How to mark a topic as solved

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A Bug that I don't think is solved yet
Doubt with DontDestroyOnLoad()
Time.deltaTime? No need?
Finding Game Objects, general questions with new format
I don't understand the problem
Problems in movement of enemy after enabling in object pool
Latest version doesn't have Standard Assets in unity asset store
Is it ok to ask about non-course tutorials here?
Colliders on Layer 7 (custom layer) wouldn't work
Unexpected behavior
Intelisense problem
waypoint.IsPlaceable returns nothing and does not change colors
State Driven Camera
X, Y Rotation dont go smooth
Quizmaster Problem: Question list is cut in half
Jump Height not Constant
Not sure what I did but I can destroy multiple packages now
Having issue with visual studio library not working
Script only to store and execute Events
Why we need to use tau variable?
Lesson 152 Unity 2D
Block Breaker Gamepad
Any way to write the following code using the new input system? (ie OnJump)
This is how i did it
Declarations / Variables
Basic Combat and am having trouble moving within range
Visual Studio Code Suggestions Not Working
This is going bananas
Can you set the color based on the other object's color?
ISSUE with fps controller
Emission Material and Bloom from Blender to Unity
Argon Assault - Deactivating Particle System question
Problem with lightning
Adding coins to level 2 & 3
New Method option
Adding rigid body for the player as well
UTF-8 with BOM?
Reticle size
Realm Rush Smooth Turn
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Unity Hub can't create new project an open old
I didn't got
Hello guys, when I hit the walls instead of 1 hit I get multiple hits
Why the Bullet is not destroyed when touching the Walls of the platform?
Why convert Vector2d to Vector3d (vice versa)?
OnEnable() Question
When i finish last level Tilevania
Are there problems with my OnJump solution?
Issues with the navmesh
What is the Ctrl+. for the Mac version of Visual Studio Code?
About the collision "hits"
Increasing scale on Goobers issues
Rick Image Stretching
Tile Palette of different sized tiles is creating extra spaces
Different Kinda Logic Applied but got the same result, is it a good practice?
Jump in to the ground
Latest unity issues with standard assets
Glitch Garden AttackerSpawner Array question
Script of prefab in scene, but not asset
How to give player an option to start the game on their own?
Story text goes black in editor after build
FindObjectOfType, does it search only on the component?
This Code Named Waypoint Progress tracker(Utility Scripts) is Showing errors
Lasers not firing at all
Query re: Spawn At Runtine
rotationThrust question
Particles not showing in Game Screen
How to fix this lights? (First course scene)
Artifacts by importing the sprites
Unity 2D Course - Number wizard game - C# Function calling problem
Help with IDE
Player is moving wrong
Unity Grid Question
Blur / shaking when rotating with Cinemachine
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>() not working
For loops index
How to make Barry's body rigid?
Argon_Assault _ trigger message not generated
Use of RaycastHit
MavMesh to Restrict PLayer
Would a do ... while work in our coroutine?
Move action not working with pathfinding
Still having issues on including InputSystem Library using Visual Studio 2022
Difference in using Tile Pallette vs Artwork in indivisual frames
Where is the missing lecture for the Quiz game?
Player jumping through the cracks of the tiles
Height in spriteShape Controller in Unity 2022.1
Collision Not Working properly UNITY
Script error after introducing moveSpeed
A d and left right arrow keys don't seem to respond after loading the script
Camera boarder triggers finish line collider instead of snow boarder? 37
How to smoothen the controls of the ship and/or the animation
How to smoothen the controls of the ship and/or the animation
NullReferenceException error
Multiplying bounce
Tree drawing distance
Whats the difference?
Problem Error
How to drag and rotate a 3D object under Unity Scene editor ( black eye icon )?
Quaternion.Euler rotation only applies at the end of timeline
Is creating scene this big considered bad practice?
Using variable name as moveSpeed doesn't effect enemy speed
Procedurally generated terrain for snowboarded
Unity Script Compile time
"extract" option not showing up when refactoring
Why does the randomness in the firingrate not affect the player ship shooting?
Tile Palette of different sized tiles is creating extra spaces
Naming convention of Rigidbody variable
Death animation issue
Camera and Scene Outline
No errors show up in c#
When I'm painting trees they appear pink?
Visual Studio Code no auto completion
The Torque does not work
When Press "." Nothing Happening
Unity script errors
Movement detection only intermittently working
Omnisharp: Use Modern Net Complete C# Unity Game Developer
Is there anyway to do the 2021 course?
My square still go under even i don't set layer order all of them are 0
My character has too many hits
When do we use Awake, OnEnable or Start?
Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D - Delivery Driver
Need to update position from a Json file
Tag is not working
NullReferenceException : Objectt refernce not set to an instance of an object
Creating an action map
Sprite Shape profile issue section 31
VS code not auto-completing like it does in the lecture videos
How to Make Text stay on the Screen while camera moves
Collider not working
I can't pick up coins in level 3
DisplayAnswer(-1); causes button shape change
Question on traditional global singleton solution
Respawn Using Scene Manager
C# unity 3d beginner course
Car going really fast when followed
Is there a better way to indicate death rather than always referencing isAlive?
Getting a error when i add coordinates of a blocked tile
How do I establish a "connection" between a tile and its neighbours?
How would i add additional resource type costs to the towers?
Foreach statement won't work on lecture 132
Question on mathf.clamp
Changes in EnemyMover
Virtual Camera issue
Issues with camera+cinemachine
My games units appear to be more sensitive than the examples
Snow Boarder Sprite
Can't get unity to recognize InputSystem
Run Delivery Driver in Android mobile
Time to Drop Dropper Not Following Variable Time
Can someone explain why the reverse parascope collider works?
Problem with the scorer
Reversed Keyboard Function AWSD
OnAnswerSelected function is not available
Sound only playing sometimes
Player floating in the air and clipping through ground
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Only 1 object for object pools?
Canvases does not show up
Bullets spawning but not on screen
Unity editor version and asset not available
I need node.ConnectedTo explained to me
FixedUpdate() vs Update() with * Time.deltaTime?
Getting a score the moment the game starts but not when bumping into obstacle
Progression SO with multiple classes selection
Unity version inquiry
Difficulties with VS Code Hotkeys
Hazard and Enemy Issue
Why is it that the sound keeps on playing even if we hit something?
Cinemachine Confiner issue
Ctrl . doesn't do
Unity Coding Issue
No suggestions for code
Help me please
Autofill not working in VS code
I am enrolling unity 2d c# course and i need help
Aspect Ratio Problem Outside Unity
OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) vs. (Collision2D other)
Transform of each wave
Trouble Making New Levels
Trigger not triggering
Benefit of creating a new script when you can Destroy the vfx on collision?
Jump not responsive enough
Getting so many errors
Where do you create assets for your projects?
Wich is the best way to animate a tile?
I have no idea how to use Unity and C#
Spin Problem Turn based Strategy
Different version of Cinemachine than Rick uses, and camera type not kn ow
Cant get the Circle Collider on player to react when hitting the ground
Adding extra functions to the rocket
Changes to position or rotation in the Timeline are not right
Hi can u tell me whats wrong with the game 2d
Enemy goes halfway inside my cubes
Sound is not consistent
Rotate on Y axis only without LookAt
Problem with Collision Detection Counting in Unity (C#)
Difference between manipulating velocity / transform
Why we dont use PolygonCollider2D instead of CapsulCollider2D?
Random audio not playing
Need help with recovery of progress
Alternative way to fix multiple projectile firing in Laser Defender?
Solved: Why transform in foreach loop?
About referencing Story Text gameobject to another game object
Ladder animation not triggering fast enough
Else if
New project problem in console
The name 'value' does not exist in the current context
Making a Crosshair
Damage dealer effecting different tags
Why do my textures not download
Just to clarify
Rotating on a keyframe sends previous animation haywire
Newbie question
Build Resolution
A Bug has fall
AddRelativeForce() does nothing
Error when using effect
My player is not moving with a or d key?
Changing Action Type to Value?
Is it safe?
Stuck please help - Course Content Section 2 #23 If Statements & Tags
Debug mode cannot be switched off
Problems with the position of the Trophy
TileVania 95: Move and flip enemy, not flipping
Enemies not rendering
My solution. Am I overthinking things?
Trying to Invoke method: Rocket.LoadfirstLevel couldn't be called
Uploading game problem
Quantum tunneling effect with unbreakable blocks after adding random tweak
Upload problem
Quality on lectures not showing
Brick Breaker game ball drops immidiately
LoseCollider and sceneLoader error Missing Reference Exception
Confused about canvas size and camera size
CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal") - Unity 2018.4.6
Beginner Scripting Query
How to export my Unity game for any Android device and not have screen cut off?
Weird alert in my console
Had some up and down movement in Death Animation and it froze the Player
Can't see ball vb on the background sprite
Error with AdventureGame.cs
I can’t stand Mac anymore
Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D - Argon Assault - Mathf.Clamp issue
I can't fix the movement
Question about Version control
My player movement stoped when i added timeline
Failed to load window layout error in Dialogue Course
Where did "game" come from
My rotation works on the x axis rather than the Y axis like in Rick's example
Error in Unity
Plz someone with big brain help
Button Text Scaling not working
HELP getting errors for typing Debug.Log("Welcome to number wizard");
My ship isnt working
Unusual Key press behavior
BlockBreaker - objects are tiny when i add them to the scene
[SOLVED] 2d array random value
Controls are no more working after header and tooltip
My box goes through walls and other objects
Assault: Scene view not following Player Rig/GameObject when playing
Problem very important
Bug - Ball triggers Game Over, but never moves there - help
Extract Method Not an Option
Unity Inspector Debug doesn't show class variables
Lose Collider triggering without collision occuring
How to share my game
Can't instantiate different objects
Need to Update Mass of Rocket Ship every time I load up my project?
UI Text attach to a specific object?
Error in MusicPlayer.cs
ObstacleCourse Collision problem
Issue with Life functionality implementation
Issues with "Sprite Renderer" 's Component (Image.PNG not Showing)
Movement behaviour is unexpected
Paint Textures Tool Keep Leaving Blank Spots
How do I add grid lines in unity scene
Cant get access to resources for this lecture :/
Timeline animation plays in Timeline window, but not in Game window
Colisions problem
Executable dimensions not matching Unity IDE dimensions
Problem with loading Standard packages
Scripts, events and organization after redo
Block dosent get destroyed
General question about Unity bugging out [Not course related problems]
Linking up sfx to game objects
Thrust problems
I want to show tilemap gridlines during actual gameplay
Hi Everyone! Framework Error of Unity :(
Help Request: How to make Transparent Text Background
Need help with NullReferenceException
Why ball sticks to paddle?
Preferences in C#
Why two times basewaypoint.isplaceable = false?
Score based on collision
When i zoom out the game seems more and more pixelated
Why my player shaking
Ram object not placed at the first path
Player scale gets distorted when dragged inside Player Rig
Audio not working in next level
Snow tile when added to sprites is not as shown in lecture
Damage Collider not triggering "Lose Screen"
I'm having some problem with buttons
Problem creating skybox in ArgonAssault game course
Cannot tap the button, button error
How to scale background in unity
Standard Assets problem in 2019.4.16f1 LTS
Unity problems
Getting a strange score
Problem with getting mouse position
Ladder Image Won't Drop to TileMap
My Big Boy enemy dissapears behind blue backgound
SerializationException started popping up for me
Collider outlines remain after adjusting tiles?
Enemies are not being destroyed
Hi I have an error (connection reset)
Can i accsess course from gamedev to udemy
Too many lizards stopping
Cannot click WebGL Build and Run
404 Missing Assets in Unity 3d Course
Standard Assets for Argon Assault giving errors
Complete Unity 2D GameDev Lecture 3 / 27: Why Arrays instead of lists?
Trouble dragging my rocket from the assets tab
Visual studio or atom
Screen resolution & mesh / 3D model scaling
Is there a way to automatically generate getters and setters in visual studio?
Capturing play
Doubt with timesHit
Extreme tuning with more balls causes problems
Problem with opening Unity
In game view ship flys off screen
Wrong lizard stop
UI Canvas - how to make a background image with a pic
My volume always starts on 0
How is Rick moving around the palette?
GetAxis Horizontal not responding to input
Using prefab to init a component SerializeField
What could I have missed?
Don't understand why hasStarted works
Any reason we are setting Order in Layer to 5 and 10 instead of 1 and 2?
Help for To Use an script's effect(s) on gameobject for a certain Duration
Can't place towers after a few seconds
Why Coroutine local variable doesn't work?
("Hello Lee" Greeting) Isnt showing up
Destroy(gameObject) order of operations
== and =
How to create a Block sprite
Trying to Invoke method: CollisionScript.ReloadLevel couldn't be called
How to get visual studio to recognise braces/brackets
My mesh renderer is not working
Updated Unity and ParticleSystem stopped working
(question) is my code correct? i can still press two at the same time
How to avoid multiple collisions?
Confusion about pathfinding code
Coroutine not working
Obstacle Course Lesson Time normalize movement
Can standalone build works without Unity DLL?
Damage Received UI
Keyboard not responding:NumberWizard
Platformer Health Icons
Background Objects Over Foreground Objects 2D
I need help please
Utility System (Waypoint Circuit)
Time.deltatime mistake that I missed
If I used TextMeshPro instead of just text - what would I need to change?
Can not install Documentation
A little issue tryin' to personalize obstacle course -need help Y__Y
Can I use scene objects in VS directly?
Unity Project Rocket Boost trouble
Slider Values
Number Wizard QA doubles push
If index = 2 is Unity casting the same State again?
[Question] Apply Prefab
Still something is missing… [Unity 2020.2.5]
Bug on the position of Score Text
Difference between isActiveSelf and ActiveInHierarchy
Not understanding how the colliders are working
Getting position from a list of transforms
Question about referencing the ScoreBoard method
Number Wizard Build Succeeded but won't open
Ball breaker goes to game over scene
Intellisense not behaving the same
Making the instantiated explosion a child of 'SpawnAtRuntime' GameObject
Warrior, rogue or wizard?
Need Help with "Block Breaker" Canvas & Physics Issue
I keep getting the same 2 build errors
Why do we need as GameObject?
Help! Unknown error
Should I use Clamp without the xClampedPos variable?
Player is not moving
Path works fine without instantiating (?)
My rocket is a dud
Updating body text from another script does not work. Section 3
Visual Studio Problem
Int vs float
Can't tell what I've done wrong
Problem in transform position
BlockBraker, Duplicating ball
Problem with multiple audio clips
Difference OnCollisionEnter vs OnTriggerEnter
Question about NullReferenceException and Singleton
Diagonal Movement
Question about the notes in Udemy
All numbers are random
Camera Movement with WASD
Problems with Standard Assets in Zombie Runner
Sos help
Should i buy unity3D course when i finished unity2D course?
Making 'TextMeshPro -Text (UI)' a [SerializeField]
Reset Level - calling a public method & using FindObjectOfType
Destroying distinct gameobject?
Using a variable in LoadNextSceen
Question about Destroying gameObjects
Other platforms to build for
Question about the singleton
Rotation flow of the Axe
How to spawn a Wave only after all last wave enemies are gone
How do I cache GetComponent<Movement>(); in void start?
Unity Tilevania Prevent Wall Jump
Argon Assault - Timeline difficulties: How to keep constant speed?
Enemies Disappear When They Fire
Can't Edit My Animations
Resolved: 2D - Section 3 - 20. UI Canvas & Text: Text box not visible
Any benefit to destroying the particles with a script of built in way?
Which is Better: Changing the Pixels Per Unit, or the X and Y Scale?
What about the old school singleton pattern?
Queestion about the world space
I have a question for the Terminal Hacker project... Please help!
Cycles not clear
Question about the Defender type
Cached Referencing
Why is attempting to rotate both ways going to be bad?
Inconsistent line endings in Visual Studio for Mac
My Ship flies under camera
An object not showing in game view
Can Not Zoom In On Scene View?
Question about foreach
Literally no movement With Enemy - Laser Defenders
The same issue of Text
Confused about code at 1:00 ~ 1:54
Help with beginner code on lesson 27 of the 2d game development course
Bug report
Unable To Add Text Mesh Pro Text In 'Game' Object
Unable To Upload Game
Why using transform.translate not rigidbody.velocity or .postion for movement
Rotation in 2D for the spinning bomb
Mobile Old Course
Why Not Directly Call the storyText variable
Help please: error CS0101
Attackers Still Spawning
Why not just use static variables?
How to get a Projectile to follow a Parabola
Scene loader
Null Reference Exception
Mouse Position Formula
I make something and it works, and i dont know why it works
Class instances
Error, unable to get the password.Anagram
The sound plays when I release the space bar instead of when I press it
The BullCowGame openning error!
Snapping To The Vertices
HELP! How do I add image to each states for my text adventure game?
Why we can't use public string StoryText { get; private set; }
Animation Controller lecture question
Using tags to identify objects
FindObjectOfType for multiple Objects
Have different titel text on every state
Invoke method does not work
A Visual Bug with Text Mesh
About Aspect Ratio 4:3 in Unity 2020
The rigidbody
Why does GameDev's Unity 2D course use an older version of the Unity Engine?
Obstacle course - Antarctica Game - Questions
Can i buy RPG core combat creator course?
What is the difference?
Lasers wont listen to input logic
Creating a Second Bool for Cheat Keys
Tilting Sprite / Gameobject
This is my own code rate it
Visual Studio is giving me an error
Complie Error - Magic Numbers 2D
Script Compile Error - Magic Numbers UI
Making waves spawn randomly
Trouble using GetComponent to override all the materials in my object
Finds path at very start but that path has trees in it?
Are there others here that would have like to start there grid at 0,0
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Lighting affected when scene is reloaded
Understanding the "foreach" loop
Working on a reload system
Doubt regarding Unity3D Old Course
Can Not Find File
Pixel per unit
Dead and finish sound don't play
Lighting changes when not looking at it
Alternate jump
Null Reference Exception - Again
GetComponent vs FindObjectOfType Usage Guideline
Visual Studio
Why i need to add+index to alpha 1 in the conditon (lecture 32)
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Bouncing back
Bounce Audio Problem
Ball Speed
Player moving to the corner of camera and unity giving errors
Rigid Body and Material / Table Collider and Trigger
Weirdness in corners
Multiple Enemies Not Spawning
Launch The Ball (Complete Unity Game Developer 2D)
Message not printing when bullets hit the enemy
Lasers stay on when I collide with something
The variable death fx of the enemy is not assigned
Unity UI showing in Editor, but not in Build
How to animate the relative position of a sprite during a sprite animation?
How to get Ball sideways friction with moving paddle
Doubt regarding Enemy rotation Unity 3D
Slight Unit Base Health Issue[SOLVED]
OnCollisionEnter() not auto-completing
Light effects
Camera Jitters
Block Breaker paddle mouse movement not working
My editor is wrecked and have no idea how to fix it ):
No Glow on surrounding objects from Material Emission
No script asset for WaveConfig
How do I remove an unwanted Keyframe from the timeline?
What is the best SSD size for Unity and GIMP courses?
Audio error
Object is not moving after collision
Untity Inspector doesn't upade value
Wizard Coding
Particals Not Working
Unable to make the debug key work
Camera.main error
What exactly are < and >?
What does giving back control mean?
Why is the enemy vehicle not moving?
Doubt Regarding Unity 3D Course
Visual studio is acting wierd
Obstacle Course: Rotate an Object - Time.deltaTime?
Unity Asset Store Error
Player still ignoring enemy soldier
Can't move object while playing in animation track in timeline
How to make different jump heights with different press duration
IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. :0
Visual Studio not giving command suggestions
Obstacle Course - Bugs
How do I uninstall VS Community Insiders from Linux Ubuntu?
Don't understand logic of this section
Difference between Scripts
I am getting a bunch of errors in my Dropper script
Text Mesh Pro
Uploading Game to
Problem with the background
Lost in Laser Defender
I'm having a problem with some of Unity's packages
Which Profession Follow?
A question about For Loops
Terrain issue
Bumper Collision Issue
Circle/box collider 2D vs polygon collider2d?
Unity zooming is sped up
UI Is being cut from Game view
Input Issue
The dropper object is not counting in the score
Help With Unity Project Animator and Code
Pitch yaw and roll not working while animation
Enemy Die
Having Trouble
No apply button
Block Destroy Problem
Enemy laser not showing up in scene when its CapsuleCollider2D has isTrigger
Better way to handle collisions?
Bumper Collision Issue
Offset by 8 units
Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D
Enemy passing though the wall
Why do you have to check isPlaying particles?
Using PlayerPrefsController
Ball loads next scene when collding with lose collider
Climb Ladder Implementation
Laser Defender - Score display singleton not working properly
Why I can't use while to check "hasStarted"
Isometric lessons on any of the courses?
Bool not changing for some reason
NullReferenceException and a possible solution
When rocket crashes while boosting the particle effects are still playing
Getting a error with Quaternion.Euler
Autocomplete / Intellisense has stopped working
Start() as an IEnumerator or StartCoroutine(Start())
I don't seem to be able to import projects properly under MacOS
Breakable tag is not work when I try to check it in "Level" script
Enemy nor following path
Sprite is pixelated
Unity stuck while compiling shader variants while exporting the game,
I do not understand how methods work help pls
Enemy wouldn't move after intantiate
Lost in Laser Defender
My Visual Code interface is different than the instructors
InputSystem doesnt work - Ball Launcher project
Also getting the namespace error
NullReferenceException Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Can any one help me i tried to export a game with WebGel but i have an error
VS code not showing Errors
Is this course enough for learning C#?
Instantiating under projectile
Problems with consistent anchoring!
Does Anyone know how to Change Music from the Start Scene to Next Level?
Remame Symbol option missing
Laser Defence - resulition question. How to get rid off empty space?
Error -The character used for Underline is not available in font asset
Unusual Error
About Raycast hit;
Player ship explosion is not triggering upon hitting an enemy object
Number Wizard Guess is OVER 1,000
How to make a game with friends
Problem with Unity and Compiler Errors
Pixel to Unity Unit
Why don’t we need new when creating paddleToBallVector?
Sometimes Unable to Zoom In or Out When Working with a Terrain
Help with visual studio
Displaying score in Scene
Why does my collision happen twice?
Help with baccarat game
Can we tell Unity Hub to always use the "New" Input System
After reloading scene lighting dissapears
Enemy not destroying, and not updating the score
Missing TMpro reference
Camera Vector
Health and Score displays in Editor but not in full screen
Not getting what to fill in
Multiple Scenes, view, and coordinates
A question about updated course
Unity Volume Slider Scenes Problem
Static Rigidbody 2D or just Collider 2D
Edge Collider2D
Animation speed
Particle Effect
Rotation AddTorque Issue
Tilevainia player won't climb ladder
Is there any way i can bring depth to any 3d Object In Unity
Spawn at tagged elements
Why the transform is different and the objects are near to each other
Question on importing non-Ogg Vorbis audio
Snowboarder Question - Triggers to Restart Level
Intelisense, UnityEngine.SceneManagement not working, Help!
Terrain Tools not showing up
How do I get these tooltips to show up in Visual Studio Code?
Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D Udemy course
Cinemachine in 2020 LTS
I don't get code suggestions
Is my method just as good?
Grid Colours not displaying on non-paths
Character not climbing
Quiz Game - Slider
Adding torque in Snowboarder game course
Should I revise my scripts or leave it alone?
Updated Video Coming...?
Help understanding transform.Rotation
Inspector not showing my initial desired value
C# delivery driver
Game plays very jittery when I maximize the "game" window
Problem with input system
Some issues with lighting
Can I stream the courses?
What is the ETA on the reworked final game project for Unity 3D course?
I cant find old unity course
Thy not use "if(myRigidbody.velocity.x != 0)"?
Null Reference Exception in the List course from the Quiz Master Game
Scene Lighting is different
Foreach statement - Transform myvar in transform
Autofill not working in visual studio code
Points and Score not showing in Inspector
Stuttering Camera
Code wont work
Cinemachine camera snap to polygon collider corner
About bool isTransaction
Challenge differently
ScenePersist.CS causing coins to not render
At the second and third level, the Player doesn't lose lives
How to make car collide with assets?
Making a learning plan to learn 2D development?
How is set the collider to my ground model that fits
Visual Studio Code Features Not Working
I am getting many errors
Size for assets?
How to Jump From A Ladder?
VSCode Extensions
No Unity autocompletion in VSCode on Mac OS
Color designation
Padding switches back to default
Rocket falling through the Floor
Why are you using Visual Studio Code instead of Visual Studio?
Disable button via boolian?
I need help
Package still have "Untagged" tag
Adding TimeDelta to torque for fps independence?
W - back, S - forward
Question about public booleans in this exercise
Index not found
Visual Studio not showing options after typing Input
Importing game assetts from photoshop?
I get this error when I hit the obstacle or the landing pad
Smarter maxHits logic
While loops: lecture 118 - different approach
Enemy going through walls
Hitting obstacle does not increase Hit score
Help with return
Hi, another error, don't know what it means
Build screen scaling
EndScreen stays active (Quizmaster)
Big Goobers become small when they flip
Why we dont use time.deltatime?
Parent Object at 0,0,0
OnTriggerEnter2d wont work
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Why does the Cruisy McDrive temporarily enter the square?
New input system events not appearing in any IDE
Follow camera error: Game Object does not contain a definition for 'transform
Performance concerns for Unity 2D?
Better selfdestruct on animation stopped?
How to find the similar assets?
Text moved after I clicked play
Lasers are hitting and bouncing but the gameobject doesn't disappear when shot
Add different music for game and menu, and use Singleton
Time does not contain a definition for 'Delta Time'
Offer when joining Discord
Visual Studio Code Snippets
Laser Defender Problem
Jump when touching the ground challenge - RigidBody2D vs. CapsuleCollider2D
Execution order of Start methods
Code runs both if statements
Collider2D vs CapsuleCollider2D
Error cs0246
Sprite Renderer - Flip vs. localScale
Problem with sound effect
Unable to climb up ladder
I guess collider has bug
Each Particle
Realm Rush Object reference not set to instance
Pick-up SFX only playing in one ear
I would like my Score Manager to update
Pathfinding doesn't appear to work with negative integers
Help with VS Code
Tweaking rotation in timeline keyframes causes spinning
Unexpected error, help request
Last challenge, different method, same result
Can we make games without a deep understanding of maths?
Why Is the Rigidbody2D center of mass dependent on the capsule collider offset?
How do I successfully connect Visual Studio Code with the c# plugin?
Lives Not Subtracting
Player Death Effect Problem
Unity 2021.2.13f1
Why everytime my Barry's head hit the ground
Why is it required to declare emissionModule variable?
Help with Lasers Not Firing
How come the Player bounces on the floor?
Canvas Box Displaying In Game Window
'timer.isAnsweringQuestion' is inaccessible due to its protection level
Error CS0246
Trying to invoke method : CollisionHandler.Loadnextlevel couldn't be called
Unity Animation - Flickering line on edge of sprite
No code actions available
How to add jump
Issue With. Net core install/read
Obstacle Course- Brightness and Script Problem
I don't understand
What Laptop are you using?
Something went wrong with my "alt" key
Prevent Instantiation within Player (Unity)
Can I get the snowboarder section slides?
Using [SerializeField] for referencing SurfaceEffector
Bind mouse with the new system input
How to solve 2 problems
How to add particle system in ui
Error when using Debug.Log() Command
Help! My snowboarder trembles
How to calclulate offset between camera look at y position to target y position?
Visual Studio Code not listed under External Script Editor
Keep car on the street
Snow Boarder - Trigger Question
Transition Animation on Button Press?
Same Answer?
Bug with the ladder
Collider problems
The timerValue Variable is Confusing
Staring up visual studio stucks in unity
One final question: Regaining health over time
Events over public methods
Some sprites become invisible in a build
Async Warning?
Script doesn't work like in the tutorial?
Project Boost: Cleaning code here is confusing
Ship Angle Looks Weird
Is having multiple audio sources on one object like this bad practice?
Can't add tree assets to terrain tools
The score still getting hits after the object turn on tag "Hit"
Unity timeline curves editor do not zoom in/out to adjust the curves
Helpful tips not loading in VSC?
Question on the use of Bullet + OnTriggerEnter
Want to be able to fine-tune the Animation, can I change this setting?
Intellisense not working Visual Studio Code C# Unity
Caching a reference class problem
Creating a new method
Trouble setting Time to Wait value in the Inspector
Animator state inspector properties missing
If / If-not statement on particles
FindObjectOfType vs GetComponent
Script Errors and Unable to make game object a serialized field
2D Character flipping around & Tilemap edges?
Error cs1061 c#
My CrashDetector script is not working properly
New keyword
Graph order
How to import my scene from blender
Obstacle course corner issue
How to get rid of the comments?
Intellisense not working
How do I move keys for multiple tracks at once in the Timeline window?
Is "Input.GetAxis" depreciated now in 2021 LTS?
Why use !IsActive instead of !enabled
Tiles turned black when I added sorting layers
I am getting an error on all of my items
Torque Issues Game to Game
Path Issues
Projectile trouble with hitting ram
Prefabs and Scene have 3d looking views
A list of type class
Help from video 66
Rigidbody2D no longer affected by gravity? Block Breaker
Help with project. Spawning Random Prefabs at Random Locations
Cactus is not attacking
Number Wizard UI Null Reference
A Few Questions
Hi! i need a little help in the OnUserInpt function
Issues with lighting in exported game
Problem with GetQuestion
Actions after Destroy(gameObject) is called?
Text 101 Urgent help
Ship Collisions
Timer works, but button disappears
NullReferenceException error, but it doesn't stop the code from working
Debug tab on Unity is completely blank now
Quiz-Game - Scoring
OnUserInput not working on 2017.1.5f1
IntelliSense and Omnisharp issues
Constraints ignoring when dying. Project Boost
[SOLVED] Damage Text Error
Over-engineering the ammo UI?
OnTriggerEnter2D Not Highlighting was did not AutoComplete
Bullet passes through enemies
Game Optimization
Flight Rotation not working cause center of 3D model over model
Clamping not working
Alternate Audio config
Instantiate object based on input
What's the index variable?
Flight rotation keyboard input does not feel fluid
Unable to see same output in Diffuse/Normal Map/Mask Map
Hello guys i can't seem to find the error in my code!
Why onMove method doesnt working in set up Input System lesson
Tilevania question about animations
Quiz Master - temporary variable
SetDestination error on Enemy death
Is it ok for the enemy to clip
Destroy GameObject after seconds
Collision not working
Loop Fail. Feel free to ROAST me
Why are so many coordinates
Changing Vertex Colors
processInput function removed
Two enemies spawn on top of each other and a total of 6 in the wave
What is this? Unity Error harmless bug
I need more prefabs for my medieval tower defence game
Towers stop firing
Adding Power Ball Power-Up
Help with camera movement constraint
Build and run Aspect ratio changed
My Enemies stopped moving
Not quite sure whats going on with state.GetStateStory()
Car steering question
My rocket audio is getting a reverse effect
Lets Add a Zombie - dead Zombie on the ground can be pushed
Goober isn't hitting the wall!
Creating New Method @ 1:14
How to only move up and spin
Edge stopped allowing playing of courses
Start() method :(
Script changes not applying to prefabs
Jumping Method
How to back up your Unity project?
AudioSource AudiClip
Unity closing when I open project
Canvas Render Mode
AudioSource AudiClip
After trying every fix in the course/google, still can't fix OmniSharp Error
Colors in Unity. Why do I have material color brighter than in the course?
Only half complete with Beginner Course, but want to do RPG Course?
Cinemachine Keeps Going When Hitting A Wall
ORIO Portection
Audio issues
The background does not match the screen size
Use of static when it is harder to make a gameobject a child of GameStatus
Exit Bug
Multiple Layers on Quad?
Fixed all of the tweaks and turns... but nwont move with AWSD during flight
Input System Binding Properties Path dropdown not appearing
Boosted snowboarder seems to rotate
TileVania Lesson 89 - Ladder Climbing Animation
Collisons compiler error -- OnTrigger2D
Why the lighting is changing whenever I a scene is reloaded?
Camera follow zoom in and out
I am getting errors on ProjectBoost - Multiple Audio Clips
Delivery Driver unity 2d course - Cannot see anything on game
Problem getting tiles to appear in game and play mode
canShoot boolean issue
Rail shooter, Stange Y axis behaviour
Having a compiler error with my PlayerController Code what is my issue?
Asset snow boarding error
My Player runs through the walls
Adding Pictures to the Text Adventure
"Dontdestroyonload" not appearing
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Question about the collider
After I added Timer.EndTiming() the buttons aren't function when the first click
Unity motion blur
Unity motion blur
Cinemachien not showing guides
Setting variable in Switch or Method
Two Defenders Spawn at once
Why are my objects white and yours brown?
How would one find more than one of the same object type in other gameObjects?
Classic Intellisense Question
[Solved]How to make changes to all objects with the same sprite?
[SOLVED] Loop alternative option?
How to fix this bug with tilemap
How to Salve INPUT so i can use it on other Function?
Do any of the 2D games use controllers?
Why does initialized value not copy to Unity UI?
Having trouble with commit :( on Source Tree
Shooting glitch
VS Code Autoformatting
I want to pass desired position of the rock but it is not working?
Wall jumping is enabled again somehow?
Feeling stupid on installation process
Why the foreach?
Utility waypoint script loops way too fast
Weird camera zoom
Q blockbreaker serialized variable gives array error?
Text is blurry
Not able to drag font into Assets
TMP invisibility touch
Xoffset Problem
Minus paddle
Game with no Sound after building :O
URP Pipeline for 2d
Heading towards 'Game Over' after few seconds
My widget is not at the corner like Rick's
Game manager is broken
Player hits dropping cube, bounces off and keeps moving?
Help for the abroad users
Unable to climb up ladder... still
Why doesn't my size in-game seem to be the same as in the video?
Scene name flickers on play mode
Visual Sudio automatically adds using System.Diagnostics;
Problems with Rotate and Thrust in code
I want to pass desired position of the rock but it is not working?
Death audio clip not playing
Quick question
TMP invisibility touch
Arrows don't appear in certain area
thingToFollow is a default reference
My paddle didnt appear in the both scene and game view
Camera Seeing Green Background Game Jam 2022 - Where can I ask for feedback?
Null Reference Exception - Realm Rush
Problem with GetStartingState();
Delay for Loading Scene within the Player Script?
Instantiate ball breaks update
Accessing the rocket audio
Particle Emissions Stop
After deleting "library" file, many issues occured
What is the difference between changing pixel density vs resizing the image?
CrossPlatformInputManager in Unity 2019
UI Image Fill Amount does not decrease
Why does my ship object teleport to a random position?
Followed ShareMyGame video, upload still stuck in Processing stage
Full body of Rocket is not subjected to gravity
"object hit" script if statement ignoring the tag specification of "player"
Attempting to make an "IsJumping" condition with the Input System
Found a bug during the testing process
Visual studio code setup
How to fix freeze rotation problem? Please help me someone
How would you write a forloop for letters rather than numbers?
Laser Defender need help with building resolution
Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D #84
Avoiding Iterator never returns warnings
Torque speed/intensity changing with screen size
The type or namespace name 'MusicPlayer' could not be found
Colliders and Rigidbodies 2d
Grass tile size
Can not watch courses due to ERROR 1-0004
Unity licenses
About the Quad and the Text Resource in Glitch Garden
Help! print(input) doesn't work
When call methods(other scripts)
General Scripting Question, World and Local space
Terminal Hacker Error -- Resolved
Issue with Argon Assault Player Translation after switching to Timeline Movement
Why are we dividing rawSinWave by 2f?
C4530 ...EH/sc error code
Understanding the code
Why does my script executes twice in Unity?
The different scenes have different places in Z?
Cannot select 'OnReplayLevel' method on button 'On Click'
Load next scene Problem
Not destroying music player
My Nav Mesh Agent only works in editor, but when i build it, it wont work
Terminal Hacker: unique screen per answer?
Having an Issue with WebGL build Lecture 31
Buttons not workling
I'm not getting the code suggestions Rick is getting
Audio not stopping on collision
Player ship stuck in center
Desperate for Help
Struggling over here
The block collapses a second or two after hitting the ball with it
Why MoveTowards not working in place of LERP
Stash not working
My VSCode doesn't have suggestion when I write the code
Car going over houses, trees, and rocks
About the Ask category
Question about C#
Numerical interval - movement on the x axis from eg.-10 to 10
Errors and new code broke my game [solved]
Enhancing User Experience - Random Range +
Help with implementing distance-based damage
About the Ask category
Why did Rick skip when he came to the part where the timeline rotations (360s)?
Argon Assault movement
Time.deltaTime issue
Error CS0501
Particle systems are still not working
Thought I was doing ok until Text101
Rocket Constraits untick
I have a problem with dragging the prefab to the correct position
Waves and Path Prefabs in Laser Defender
Cannot Apply Indexing [ ] to an expression of type object (UNITY 2D CLASSES)
Ctrl + "." and autocomplete not working in VS Code
Bricks not updating sprites, but they do break after 1/2/3 hits
About level complete canvas
Instantiated object is null in next frame
Moving animation curves to a different object
Clearing up a bit I'm confused about
Argon Assault, unexpected spins
Bread First Search to player
Using data from other scripts
Lose Collider triggering for no reason
The position of my Player Ship is not 0,0,0
Rigidbody2D not being Found
Is it bad to "stage all"?
Enemy gameobject disappears on transform.position
How do I Instantiate the same prefab at the same time from children positions?
Unable to Extract Method?
Coin not appearing
Cannot find C# component variables in Unity inspector
I messed up now i need SourceTree
Multiple Box Colliders
Weird delay with Boost
[SOLVED] My spaceship pitch rotation is not working like into video lesson
Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D - Your First Script
Respawn/ Next Level bug
Max = 1003?
Unwanted Collision Across Multiple Targets
Collider being visible in game mode?
I don't understand Our Rotation Couplings
When do we need to use/not use New keyword when creating SerializeField's
Interpret online games
Intellisense not working in VSCode when programing with c# (linux)
Why Are We Using Time.DeltaTime?
What would be the best way to animate UI in Unity?
My camera won’t show the enemy
Cant find grid and snap settings
Visual Studio code showing assets(?) that are not supposed to be there
The visual studio code is tired
Confused on what != null does
Constand Collision Detection
Breakpoint shows up
My Snowboarder is going beyond the collider of the Level Sprite Shape
How do I run a WebGL build locally?
I don't have the list of options to autofill in VS Code
Course video audio automatically turn off at the start of each video
Do i need to have .net core SDK installed?
My rocket is not flying
VS Code problem
Make a character shoot
Fog color transperancy issue
Code shows both Collision and If statement
Laser Defender:uploading to gives the proportions wrong
Double Registry per Collision on Lecture "Using OnCollisionEnter()"
Problem with setting up unity and vs code
Object Pool Spawns BETWEEN Nodes
Player gets randomly stuck on tiles
Issues with animation
Enemy doesn't appear and follow path on play
Why Does the head bump?
Source image for buttons change when adding Timer image
Why Rigidbody.AddrelativeForce() and not Rigidbody.AddForce()?
Resolution of gameview
Is "saving a game" covered somewhere?
Question and Buttons not showing up in play mode?
Google Street View Game
Pivot is not at bottom
PrintToConsole script isn’t working
Correct Answer's buttonsprite bug
Different action suggestions
Need help
Why use multiple Scenes instead of multiple Canvas objects?
Canvas layout/sizes change when I click "play"
Composite collider and IsTouchingLayers
Can someone plz help me?!
Change scene not working
Enemy not standing on platform when chasing player
I don't quite understand the WillBlockPath method
Issue with IntelliSense - Transform command not popping up?
What's the difference?
Character doesn't attack enemy
Why is the center of my character where my camera is? Why wont it change?
Error Null Reference
Resolution Issues
Null Reference exception problem on quiz
Concerning pure class
Recalculating Path question
Terminal input/output not working
"Can't add script component"
Problem with my level value not updating or displaying correctly
What about different keyboards?
What is causing this weird behavior? (jittery movement on ladder)
UI option
Post Processing Stack is not avaiable anymore :(, right?
Player moving towards walls after collison
Adding transform.localPosition.y to pitch makes it rotate crazy
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an Instsance of an object
Gamepad not triggering animation
I forgot how to!
Stuck with the first state!
Quick question about: rb.(this does not show up)
NullReferenceException: Object not set to an instance of an object
Why .ogg
Load Next Level (Project Boost)
No way to build IOS game from Windows?
Colliders accuracy on moving objects
How do i make my platforming hazards fit the in-game world?
Confused about ExploreNeighbors() & Dictionary
Left key and right key not working player is not moving please help
No drop-down menus, cant create a new method with Ctrl +
Making the car decelerate
Autocompletion not working for Oncollisionenter and Ontriggerdenter in VS Code
Control Period in video 5:09
Problem with vertical moving
Collison fbx import
Getting NullReference Error
Don't Understand the Logic
Issue with my vehicle asset (front/back)
Stop moving from Force by using "Is Kinematic"
Why mySpriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); was not used?
What do <> and [] mean when I see them in Unity?
Intellisense not working in VSC
How Updated is content on older courses?
I'm getting an error that says RigidBody not found, what am i doing wrong
Grid Color is not the same
Sprite shapes with broken tangents
Question | Setting Animator Bool with this ground Check
Rotating causes animation to go crazy
Unity script reassembly
I'm stuck..,,,,, help me if i'm wrong
Having another Annoying Issue
Public struct GridPosition fields
Why don't we use just transform.Translate?
Unity VSCode autocomplete not working
Why add rigidbody programmatically?
Game Canvas extending outside of the game screen
A bit confused about the parameter rotationThisFrame
Transform.position won't give the true position of the object
Unity code problem
Build Problems!
Unity 2D Course Tilevania - Issue with slopes
Camera box in Scene is massive
Serialize your other variables
Colours of script
New to Unity..Question about accessibility of Beginners Course?
Can't see the ground particles in game
I have an error that doesn't make sense
My VS Code is not showing Signature options
Best practice for melee attack platformer
Can i keep this code?
I ran into a problem with my code while following the tutorial
Instantiate many Game Objects without increasing Scene size
Serialized System getting all clustered in editor
Snow boarder level player issue
Having trouble with Visual Studio extensions
Zoom in not working
WebGL Build issue
Block Breaker
Tilevania - character clipping through the floor
Work in unity on 2 computers
Crash and Rocket sfx works but Victory doesnt
C# suggestions dont show up?
Quiz Code Error Message
Enemy not chasing and getting null references
My Triggers are not working Section 2: Ep. 23
MoveTowards always using (0,0) as current (starting) vector
Barry running into and falling into the ground?
Having issues not Adding value or taking away
Generic lose and win canvas
Intellisense issues after following the advice in the course doesn't load
Array in order
Don't understand parent-child Game session persistence
Intellisense issue
Query related to struct of color32
New Input System vs Old System
Lecture 22 question/feedback
Projectiles do not destroy enemy
Error when updating a project to latest version
Limiting character count
Jittering snowboarder
Interactable Button Question
Unwanted Rotation
Prefab Variant?
Weird boundaries issue
Wondering about prefabs and anchoring/scaling problem?
Ladder Climb Through Platform Tile?
I would like to know the difference between [serializefield] and public
Buttons in UI not interactable
My car is going too fast
Buttons not changing colors
Grid snapping alignment issue - any ideas? (Delivery Driver Unity Tutorial)
[Solved] Having Troubles with the "enum" part of the lesson
Rocket Physics change when I add the Audio Source [Solved]
Where the hell is the Extract mode in Visual Studio ? :D
Problem in transitioning between states
Why list of commeands is not opening in my Visual Studio Code?
Need help with unity
Error when clicking to move
Game Dev Project - Level Loading error
If Statement for timer
Reverse and Revert
Velocity Tweak question
Please correct me
"Game Over" scene not loading
Applying Bounce material on Circle Collider 2D vs applying to Rigidbody 2D
Why Coroutines but not normal function
The offset does not work
Writing code in the Update section (Obstacle Course video Start and Update)
How crucial is this lecture? (Sine and Tau)?
Unity Web GL Issues
Unassigned Reference Exception
[Serialize Field] and moveSpeed Issue in Obstacle Course Game
Intellisense issue : [fail]: OmniSharp.MSBuild.ProjectManager
Refactoring GameSession components
I have a problem with memorizing codes and lines so what is your advice?
Without bool
Enemies are moving on a z axis. PLEASE help
Unity - Omnisharp not working
Just a bit more understanding around the need to Revert the Scale
Keep Getting Errors
Why are we using 3 variables for the firing rate?
Particle package not importing
Preformatted score text
Recommendation for skinnable 2d top down sprite animations
Trying to make a scene
Use new input system
[Solved] LookRotation is passed a non-normalized vector in the lecture code
Screensizeproblem with standalone build
Blend Tree and Jump Codes isn't working
Animation track
Trail doesn't trigger
omnisharp.useGlobalMono missing
No Suggestions when typing code
The speed
Argon Assault - Jitter in real time mouse input
Noob question (Unity3d course 1_fs_cu2 related) about compilers/IDE's
Screen cordinates Vs world cordinates
Type or namespace "ScoreBoard" could not be found
Sprite shape bug
First Answer Button text comes from Question 1 Element 0 s text
Zombies running through walls and game objects
Why my Ship flies out of its designed route when Play?
Obstacle Course plays differently in Unity and Build Version
Dout please help me i am new i cant add a script to a oblect
Can't get a script to read a public int. Please Help
Trees far from camera are blue
About Wall collision
Bit confused about making the list/array type WayPoint
UNITY Story Text Not Showing
VS studio code omnisharp problem
Multiple spawns
Audio Problems!
Cant play videos
Tons of errors
Relm rush Text mesh not scaling right
Animation Jump stuck after pressed once
Tag not working when head hits ground
Flying instead of Jumping
All the walls light up on game start
My player can stick to wall if i keep pressing forward or backward button
Why my prefab does not show a collider box
Error cs0029 cannot implicitly convert type 'state[]' to 'state' Please Help
Out RaycastHit raycastHit is grey out when I enter it
Visual studio code shows errors
"Add Trees To Terrain" - issue with tree rotation and textures
Controls for Mobile
Sound doesnt play
I need help
Can't Extract Method in Visual Studio
Problem with collition
Getting Error on Jump Methode please help
Torque works too much
[Realm Rush] Transform Position of new tiles is messed up
Help with Waypoint
Problem with roads breaking when playing delivery driver game
Assets Cut Off
Player stucks in Snow
Number Wizard - do you have problem with rising max number?
FireBase Database Error
Game Session object
Blaster Boring - Missing Prefabs
I don't get the suggestion
foreach(Transform weapon in transform)
Score and Lives Persist after Game Completion
After time with no Actions or...duna Y Fail collision happens
Exception occurs when I create a new Rule Tile
Visual Studio doesn't list all the words for auto completing code
Problem with BoxCast 3D
Wandering Player After Collision
Error when coding
Can't acces my public method from other class
Why does my player is falling of the world?
Why index again?
Game Breaks after this lecture
Swapping Sprites
Confusion about AudioSource and caching?
SceneLoader Quit does not work for Zombie FPS
Enemies dont follow new paths
FindObjectOfType<gameSpeed>().length not working
Marcia_Jorge female Student 3D Unity
Questions about course
Voxel terrain
Disadvantages to this approach for the Project Boost Course
Am I being an idiot? Method doesn't appear when doing CTRL
Rule Tile is placing more tiles than it should
How to prevent player from going through obstacle?
How to get name of the wall with player collide
How to get the deactivate laser when using new input system OnFire method?
How do I check if a particular trigger has been triggered before?
Vscode intellisense missing when launched from unity
How to adjust the size of the game object in the scene editor
All my work disappeared!
Why do the colors in the game window look different from the scene window?
Crab stuck
Question in the Spit & Polish lecture of Section 3: Project Boost
Set Unity Preference Default to VS Code?
Button Shadow
If Statement & tags
Standard Assets are no longer available. Suggestions?
I want a solution to the problem of flipping beings and clashes unity 2d
Why reference Laser this way?
Snap setting is only available in 'global' mode
Unity crashed when I install Preview Version of 2D Tilemap Extras
Not understanding collisionDisabled
Why does the Replay button not see any of the GameManager functions?
Once played the game it will automatically go to next leverl
Walking animation no longer works
Standrad Assets - not existing - any recommendation what can be used instead?
Strange Y velocity on flat ground?
Trying to add sound effect upon contact with Launch Pad but it doesn't work!
Project Boost - Help, I want to create game over screen
Error in the scrip
Attempting to add cover system as next step, a bit stuck
Project Boost - Light Limit
Why two methods?
Having a problem with the code to make the snowboarder rotate
Wierd problem with the coins, plz help
Obstacles keep counting hits
isAutoplayEnabled variable and method
Problems with the jet particles
Tags vs Inheritance
Space Shooter - alien spawning and pathfinding like the pros?
Bullet not spawning when clicked
Trying to Make a ShowDefenses Script
Able to Jump either on Ground or Climbing
Im stuck with a thing ,
How to manage large backgrounds in scenes?
ForEach loop instead of For loop?
I don't quite understand pitch
Climb that Ladder
GUIdance needed
Putting the Reward method before or after SetActive()?
TileVania, why Rick write code like this?
Enemy just keep looping on path and not destroying after path ends
Map Layout and important question
Layer setup issue?
I don't understand functions and start game
Shotcounter -= Time.deltaTime;
Assaut, Unit Doesn't move until animation over
Nullref on StartCoroutine?
Switching to free look state without clicking escape
When import asset terrain
Added bonus RNG damage does not reset on enter/exit
My object is falling with no delay
Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D: Lesson 59 - Swapping Sprites
Sir, I have a doubt in if & else statements and encapsulating
Particles don't trigger script
My rocket has its Transform Rotated
C# Struggle
Curiosity of using colliders
Exit Strategy
How do I disable VSCode autofill and better access the popup index?
Issue with package manager unity
My LaserDefender
Button border is not as expected
Difference between CompareTag and LayerMask?
My LaserDefender
Where should I give feedback for certain courses?
Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D - Delivery Driver
Can place towers on Start and End coordinates
Snow Boarder - Build Problem
Just Wondering abt Mathf.abs > 0 and != 0
Caching Camera.Main for better performance
Autofill not working in vs code
Lecture 3 Terminal Hacker Dowload Files
Trouble with VS Code Completion
Bool wasCollected to avoid Score bug
Visual Studio Code Autocomplete and Color Coding Aren't Working
Sound keeps playing
I don't understand why OnTriggerExit2D works
Unity 2D/3D Project Size how to manage it?
Playback speed. 1.00x= Too fast. & .75x= too slow.. Ne1 Else?
Something going on with my audio. (Unity6 - Rocket Boost game)
Horizontal Player Movement section of C++ Udemy course
Complete Unity C# Lecture 76 - Action not printing to console
I don't understand why the enemy is rolling on the ground
LERP function
Question Text not changing
Visual studio code does not detect unity codes
Disable selection outline
Reloading Scene
I don't have Visual Studio Code
Sneaky Collider Issue :(
Cinemachine Follow Camera
ProjectBoost - Particles not triggering on LTS 2022.3.10f1
Double Pickups Problem
Mesh filter does not match colliders
My GooberEnemy is going in the walls
Camera is not bound by background colliders after adding state driven cams
2 questions about the head collider functionality
When to use = and when to use ()
Question about rotation
World Units for Block Breaker not as shown using 2019.4.1f1
Can I get discord invite again?
Snowboarder, player's whole body sinks
[help] Oscillator problem when running the game
In the state selection section, I could only choose 'default'
2d game Video 63 index is outside the bound of array
The Package dont print me "package pick up"
AddTorque() working differently than inside Editor
Collider not visible in scene mode
Why this piece of code
Vector3 not working
Course videos unavailable
Ladder animation not triggering fast enough
Player Sprite Disappearing On Collision With Enemies Despite Health Remaining
Time.deltaTime - Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D
I'm not sure whats wrong with it
When dies, only first frame on anim plays
PLease can somebody explaine me more this concept
Clamp is not working and its causing the "player ship" to teleport
I can't connect my prefabs
Why is the version is still 2020 :(?
[SerializeField] not showing up in VS Code autocomplete suggestions
Debug.Log issues
Particle System
World coordinates v local coordinates
Why the enemy is spamming the attack?
I dont understand something
[ help ]
Difference Between Destroying instance.gameObject and instance?
I can't connect my prefabs
I can't publish my game
In GameStatus.cs, would it be ok to follow the "cached reference" method?
Camera is Tiny, or Canvas is Huge...?
Jump button not working
Enemy move
How to play the destroy sound only if it isn't already playing?
Unityengine.ui vs code
Error from Unity Manual TouchPhase
How to create Shoot Object Path Tracing with Unity?
Gameover scene doesn't work
Newbies stuggling to open our first asset in Unity (mac users)
Polygon Collider 2D "bug"
Why are we not calling NextGuess() inside of StartGame()?
Unexpected warnings in Console
Unity3D rotate Skybox upwards and downwards
Unexpected error message
I have a problem with Timer timer
Different rotation when spawning
My Visual Studio looks different
Anyone getting build crashes on macOS in lecture 6?
Scene loading issue
Loose Collider Script not working
Particle Effect for Glitch Garden Lesson not working
GitHub Workflow
Trigger message not appearing on console
I added a third scene. Wanted to know how I should load the screen more levels?
Warning cs0649
The 'extract method' does not work at all. (C# in VScode)
No collision/trigger events with fast objects
Inconsistent Turn Speed
Can I use OnCollisionEnter2D instead of OnTriggerEnter2D
Any way to pass info from one Scene to the next?
UI Buttons vs OnMouseDown?
How to Implement a "Parry" mechanic to a 2D game?
Do I need a repos for this course?
Canvas rect transform is locked
A question involving Legal rights about the course
Confused about Classes and Object Types
Need Help With Error
Weapon Switching: When I press '1' on keyboard, I can't move or shoot
Realm Rush coordinate system the lables are not going my one there gooing by 40
Building Project for release (packaging)
Weird Rotation bug?
Material Maps
My VScode doesn’t function properly
Project Boost, not thursting
WayPoint Curcuit unity 2020
Score Text disappear in game play after move it under Game Status/Canvas
Weird tiny clicking sound when audio state changed
2D Course - Laser Defender - Objects Rendering Outside of Camera Bounds
World Space Canvas Mode - something went wrong
My primitive car(t)
Confusion on VS downloading?
Program won't run - blue screen, but no execution
Ball ignores paddle and walls
My First Level, but how do I fix lighting?
Change Sprite of objects tagged "ball" [solved]
A copy right question
Slow/weak torque?
Question about resetting version control
VS code doesn't underline syntax errors
Scriptable objects 2nd time in course?
Can't find SceneLoader function
Insatiate a random object in a string only if that game object does not exist
OnCollisionEnter2D calls twice
Stuck - Errors in Unity when I try and run it - 2d course - Lesson 25
Realm-Rash exercise
Once IsAttackerInLane() evaluates to true it stays the same
Argon Assault Lesson 84 -- Can't Assign WaypointCircuit script
A simpler solution? - Tags in Unity
Anyone else having problems with Udemy player?
Terminal Hacker - 'Random is an ambiguous reference (HELP)
Visual studio warning CS0108 - "...hides inherited member..."
It would be nice
Why we use "!damageDealer" and "return"?
Spritesheet slicing
Skybox not affecting lighting in scene
What I did wrong [Number Wizard]
Sound Icon turn off
Very annoying error
When ClimbLadder is activated, player doesnt jump
What type of object is "Level"
Could i use VScode instead Visual Studio
How to build the Rocket thruster for android
Lives System messed up in WebGLBuilld
Null Reference when trying to use main Camera position
Ball gets faster every time it hits another object
Problems with the game view
Get errors after trying to build[error]
Having an issue with the 2D Collision (Video 21 in 2D course)
Debugging Particle Collisions & Lifetime (Realm Rush)
Help: ball and paddle are invisible on level 2 but still functioning
How to erase large sections of tile?
Questions about Instantiate...As and this/gameObject
First Block Model
A little confused
How does the AventureGame script update the TextMeshPro object?
Do you guys keep or git ignore external folders in the asset folder
Waypoint speed
Switching to new Input System Component
Question on Rigid body and Colliders
About 'Public Methods & Return Types' Lecture
Can I use ProGrids?
How to Fix Problem in Unity
Player drives through walls
Just a general question about scripts
Why would the ball skip some of the blocks?
Why aren't we getting only one way point waveConfig.GetWaypoints()[0]?
3_th_cu2 invalid project path
Cannot change text color
What is quiz.GameObject?
I need help with making my Block Breaker game 1920 x 1080 (HD)
Why use Awake and not Start in the Attack Class
GUID Warnings
Coordinates Color Problem
Unexpected rotation added to PlayerRig when playing/
I have a problem
How can I fixe thes problem?
Still can place defenders in one square
Why is the yield keyword used with IEnumerator?
Horizontal & vertical movement done, but what about fly/fall?
CrossPlatformInput isn't working, appears to be installed
Level Complete Canvus
Curious about options apart from sharemygame or
I Am Facing A Color Problem In Unity
Regarding Scripting Optimisation
I Have Implemented My Game Start Differently
My trophy is not spawning at the correct grid space
Problem downloading asset from asset store
Particles not showing in game
I am getting a null reference exception and i am not sure why
Why use "waypointIndex <= waypoints.Count - 1"?
RPG Core Combat Swappable Control Systems
Hi, I need some help with Unity
Console not printing
Issue loading game from my own sever
Cannot Select Multiple Objects in Scene
Need help understanding local vs member variables
For loops or nested if statement? assignments every frame?
Level count One More!
Laser Destroy
Circular Motion 2d
Text input and analysis in Unity
96. Move Enemy On Path - Check if we've reached the target point?
Setting up a persistent high score?
Cut down asset builder
How to detect when all enemy ships are destroyed
Game Objects Disappearing and Reappearing at Random
Is this a bad approach?
Lighting Settings
Keep Colliders
Block Breaker Question
Adding button to canvas not showing in scene, but is showing in game
My tiles have spaces between them pls help
Why not use Mathf.Abs() and why put a const in Update()?
Dealing with bad input
My transform options wont show in scene
Movement not working
Error CS 1002: ; expected
A bug where the Lose Collider triggers "Game Over" unintentionally
Expanded the Obstacle Course and now some of my OnCollisionEnter do not work
Using a JSON file as a datasource
Whats going on? the ship just vanished
Just purchased Humble Bundle Unity Package
The cinemachimecamera is giving me a lot of issues
Error while playing rocket model
Garden Glitch Lesson 152
New Content came out!
Android games in Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D course?
Couldn't find UI
Turning audio source on on GetKey vs on GetKeyDown
Rocket ship movement
Course Confusion
Camera Not Confined to Specified Size
Dark scene on " Load Next Level" on rocketboost videos
There's no velocity field in Rigidbody2D section in the inspector, How?
Pathfinding working but traveling on Y vector not Z
Need help with build errors - Text101 course
Change Enemy Path in prefab?
Name of renderer
My sprites seem nothing
Build takes forever
Why are transform values in inspector different from animation tab?
Can't instantiate prefab gameObject without destroy the Block
When I press play my keyboard doesn't respond
Null Refrence in quiz game at last
Can we use other approach to move an obstacle
Explanation on cached reference
I stuck with lecture 25 Public Methos and Return Types
Is it possible to use graphic tablet?
Layer transparency looks off
moveSpeed variable question
Q to Quit never got added into the game
Please help
Question about Global vs. Local Lists
Hi my tilemap collider is broken
I keep getting an error in my udemy course
Issue playing Lecture 20
Problem with script loading
OK, this asset pack is broken
GitHub question
Why do we put a "$" in front of our strings?
Input field question
Enemies stop appearing in world despite transform.position moving along path
Update() method
Cannot build WebGL
Particles not playing when rocket collides
I wrote the code differently is that ok?
Audio-Clip is being played with delay
Pause view/camera after a rotation?
Var newEnemy = Instantiation creates new enemies
I understand the Methods BUT
Disabling Component with Destroy
Score and Health not showing
Reposition Virtual Camera to match Scene Camera?
Please Tell Me!
VS Code error C# and .NET Core (section 1)
Snowboarder camera and collider offset
There is no argument given that corresponds to
Cant go to next level
Why do we use a Collider2D?
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
My rocket have some problem with movement after the audiosource sound addition
Question about this variable
Why does the foreach loop not return the Transform on Path(0)?
Moving through colliders
Cant understand what information im sending
Maximize on Play messes up my force settings for the Rocket
Number wizard error sos
Is there anyway to change Default colors?
Error With scoreboard
Changing the Input with buttons?
Indie developer
Help wanted -
Alternative method to destroy lasers
Path (0) Waypoints
Getting an Null reference error (Project Boost)
SetWaveConfig() after Instantiate() in EnemySpawner.cs
Small questions about the lecture
Range Weapons not working on the player
Course Update
Is it programmatically necessary to be so wordy?
Problem when world gravity is set to zero
Can you make custom colliders?
Resolution for
Game isn't changing states
Question about coroutine
Using Pixels Per Unit VS Scaling the object?
Virtual Studio Intellisense
Null Reference
NullReferenceException Error
FindObjectOfType<> vs Cache Referencing
Wont stop loading second level on input
I have a problem compiling my game (Text101)
Question About Colliders
Coroutines and Scene Loader
Coroutines and Scene Loader
The rocket rotates on the wrong axis when colliding with the sphere
The problem with layers
Will it be turn based or real time?
Project path does not work
What is the Benefit of this Order?
Problem with a compilation error
My lizard stopped walking
I am Little Confused
I didnt pressed any key but yet unity shows that down arrow was pressed
Visual Studio Code - Unity Code Snippets Error
Learning C#
How to call Method from same Script on different Objects?
Differences between Using Tag and Name
Where the Spawn Variable Lives
Tilemap Grid & Colllider Box Visibilty
Which is more costly?
Visual studio (no issues found)
LaserDefender Pathing Problem
Problem with WebGL
Unable to understand this lecture (124 - Target Closest Enemy)
SetWaveConfig() and Null Reference Exception
What is the checkbox in the Unity Inspector Tab Called?
Enable/Disable Post Processing
Downsides to using Audio Source component?
No suggestions in VS code, and log just says "0" no matter what
Lighting not loading
Ball Bouncyness
Whose "OnCollisionEnter" gets called first?
How to ScenePersist from level to level?
Confusion about prefabs!
Audiosource detatching from my GameObject when i use Dont Destroy On Load
No render
Can see background but not ball or block
Sorting Layer and Order in Layer
Uploading Game Error
Intellisense in VS code unity doesn't work
How to Snap to Custom Grid shape
I can't solve it! [SOLVED]
Visual Studio Code Can`t locate .NET files
Accessing a different style of a font with TMP Font Asset Creator…?
Math in statement vs variables issue
Create Gnome defender - projectiles not fire
Should I start from scratch the new course?
Why do we code the Instantiate differently for the particle Prefab?
Crossplatform Input
Unity UI Text is dark
New 2021 course - should I stop the 2018 one?
audiosource.PlayOneShot not working
Help with snippets!
Projectile Firing Bug - Glitch Garden
Defenders Spawning at Random places
Question about variable usage
Unity coding for scene vs game
I'm not seeing the green radius around the arrows being fired
Cinemachine Game Object Issue
Scale circle colliders relative to sprite size
Unity Question
Game objects disappear after publishing to an app store?
Visual Studio Code Error: The .Net Core cannot be located
The System Cannot Find The File Specified
[Tip] Importing downloaded Asset Packs when using Linux
Unable to change the center of overall gameobject (Barry parent)
My level is not changing like on the lecture
Which Unity version for M1 Mac
Falling on coin add double points!
I don't get the mouseover position for Vector 3
Why not use Random.Range here?
Issue VS Code with Unity in MAC
I could not get Finish Line script to work
After integrating the timer the Buttons don't Work
Visual studio code not helping with autofill
Missing package
What should I do?
Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D unity knowing the correct IDE
Extract Method does not show up for me when using ctrl, Full Stop or right click
Success,Fail Audio not working
New Input system and Gamepad
Is Creative Cloud worth it for Unity or Unreal?
Public variable instead of SerializeField?
Destroying Don't Destroy on Load
Null Ref error in shooter script due to removal of attacker in certain lane
Global/local button not showing
Laser Defender, Waypoints Issue
What does question.GetQeustion(); do exactly?
Clarification about colliders
Attaching a comment to a specific course lesson
Drop timer challenge in obstacle course lesson
Destroy hit effect in code instead VS using inspector option?
Error from script "Assets\FollowCamera.cs(11,61): error CS1002: ; expected"
Animation Event error
Error with Scorekeeper
Question in regard to understanding the code (timer, FindObjectOfType<Timer>();)
Not only Player go out of screen every things
Is this setup ok for the code?
How would you go about flipping the "bullet" sprite?
Changing the color of the correct answer button sprite
Using tilemap collider for cinemachine confiner
Same problem as everyone else, nothing fixing
-Vector3 vs Vector3.back
Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D - Help
Type of collider to use for the scene objects
Follow Camera vs Transform.position
Input System alternative for OnMouseDown?
About Start () and Update () Methods
Spinning object going through player
Visual Studio Code Autofill Not Working
Bullets trigger the next level
How to use collisions with a tag
OnCollision2D doesn't autocomplete/work
Old Unity 2d tutorial?
Unity manual: "[RequireComponent (typeof(AudioSource))]" but none added
Is there a way to limit the max height of the Physics 2D bounce?
Alternative way to "die"
Spawning on Path dependent on the Y-Value of Waypoint(0)?
Why create new script?
Can't get Visual Studio Code into Unity?
.tag doesn't work but gameObject.tag does
Playing particle effect without serialize field
Play Again button not working
Problem with Sprite Shape
My question are all ways wrong
Please some explaining c#
Player Input Manager icon covers Player Sprite
Variables and Types: Bank bank
Can I change Surface Effector 2D Speed in script?
Why Rotate speed is very slow here?
TMP_Text error in VSCode
Return String
Argon Assault - Player Input while timeline is running
Audio Glitching on CameraShake
Shortcut for Debug.Log()
Cant Extract Method?
Only get monobehaviour suggestions for intellisense auto complete
How should I add my Jumping animation?
How do I print a statement ONLY when two specific colliders collide?
SelfDestruct.timeTillDestroy Console W
Made code to randomly spawn packages. How not spawn in the same place once?
Wrong answer for wrong question
Why not set the transform position instead of rb velocity?
How to make the ground collapse as the player moves through the game?
SerializeField effect is permanent?
C# has trouble loading, can't see suggestions
Error cs0117
Undeclared bool is false?
Velocity of rigidbody
Caching uses 8 lines of code vs non-caching using 4 lines of code
UnityEditor not updating
Enemy Mover Scripts Error
Tag not working
After colliding, Player moves without input
Weird Game Screen
Which line of code sets the timerValue to timeToCompleteQuestion at the start?
Error with Unity 2019.1
Where is the Discord link?
I want an enemy to move towards an instantiated object
Please help me to click ,hold and drag the box
Barry Character location
I cant get recommendations on VSCode
Unity game development 2d- delivery driver
About Speeds
Question about collider for TileVania
Other Languages Support
Flying bug movement mechanics
I am geting a strange error
Rotating sphere
The score still getting hits after the object turn on tag "Hit"
Tracking Score / Sorting Score
Tilevania problem with animation when shooting
Spawn time delay question
Having Issues with Vector3 distance of the camera from the object
What is the difference between OnCollitionEnter2D and OnTrigerEnter2D
Crash particle effect does not play
RuleTile unity error
How can i type on the terminal?
Why not use physics for all things as recommended earlier?
Play players animation then fire
How to have upside-down spikes and mushrooms?
What is the problem
isTransitioning turn of events clarifiation queston
Trees dispear based on distance from camera
Cant Drag Damage Text
Is there a better way of doing this?
Unity Animate Timeline Glitch
IntelliSense doesn't work
"SetDestination" error after disabling Nav Mesh Agent
Using Tags with OnCollisionEnter2D
Am I missing a video?
Can I post my Delivery Driving game to
The drive containing my program was wiped. Is there a download?
What if I use enable and disable for the audio?
Still not seeing the Autofill
My head dived into the ground
Question regarding graphic settings?
Why is my Debug.Log not working
Shadows With Lighting
C# visual studios

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