My mesh renderer is not working

What’s not working? It doesn’t look that that mesh renderer has any mesh to render.

Hi Cripteau,

In addition to what bixarrio wrote, also make sure that the component is enabled. In your screenshot, it is disabled.


See also:

Yeah but it not disappearing.

The mesh renderer doesn’t have a mesh, so there’s nothing to render or not render.

I suspect you want the ship to disappear, but this is not the way. You have to disable the SHIP’s mesh renderer. You must go into the prefab and find the ship model. It will have a mesh renderer for the model. That’s the renderer you should disable.

Mesh renderers don’t just work on their own. They need a mesh to render. You will find a mesh filter component on the model along with the mesh renderer. This is the mesh renderer you want to disable to make the ship not be rendered

Its now purpule.

Yes. Because you added a mesh filter instead of finding the ones that’s already there, like I mentioned. Don’t add mesh filters and mesh renderers. Find the ones that’s there. Looking at the prefab here, there are a bunch

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