Latest unity issues with standard assets

Hi peeps,

Just wanted to ask if anyone can help. I got a little into the argon assault project when we need to import standard assets. Unfortunately doing so seemed to corrupt my camera and removing said assets didn’t help so I had to start over using and older version of unity which now seems to work fine. Just wondering if there any quick fix to the standard assets package I can do to make it run in the 2019.3.10f version of unity or if I’m best off sticking with 2018 versions for now?

Thanks in advance for your help

Hi David,

Which asset caused the errors? The Circuit asset? If so, I would recommend to simply ignore the asset, watch the video and implement everything BUT that asset. Rick is going to replace it with a Timeline animation in a later video anyway.

If you already imported your project into an earlier version of Unity, I would suggest to stick with that version because loading the project with different versions increases the risk of breaking it.

Depending on the error messages you got, maybe this solution helps.

Ok thanks Nina. I restarted it in the end and I’ve caught back up now and it seems to be working ok. :smiley:

Fantastic. :slight_smile:

See also:

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