Particles don't trigger script

I am quite confident, that i do not miss something (although obviously I DO miss something :-))
but my particles don’t trigger the script.

what I have checked:

  • particles collide from the environment → yes
  • particles have the trail, ship is not faster than the particles
  • set up the script with exact the code (i mean, the log would be enough to prove, but there are no logs written)
  • kill speed set to a value that does not let the particles bounce
  • enemy script is attached to all enemies
  • all enemies have an (active) collider and no rigidbody

but still, particles totally ignore the enemies, they just bounce off (or fly through, depending on killspeed), even if i reduce the particle speed to 1 and my path of the ship to zero, so there’s no movement at all from the ship or the enemies.

any ideas?
kind regards, Gris

funny thing is, that the kill speed on my unity works totally different from what you say in the lecture…
setting it to ANYTHING lower than my start speed of the particles makes them bounce.
so if i have start speed 100, they bounce until i set kill speed to 101.
if set start speed to 20, they stop bouncing at 21.
So i can not reproduce your value of “1” to change anything.

Hi Grisgram,

Is ‘Send Collision Messages’ enabled in the Collision module of the particle system?

See also:

Hey Nina!

omg - that’s true! I knew, I missed something!
Yep, now they explode as they should! They deserve it! :slight_smile:

The particle system in unity has so many more options than what I am used to from GameMaker and libGdx… That’s still a steep learning curve here for me – The most amazin part of this course for me

Thank you so much!

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