Grass tile size

Okay, so that might be a stupid question, but there is one thing I don’t understand. At the beginning of this section, we set the size of the grid to 10. The imported grass tile asset has a scale of 6.25 and appears to be as large as the size of the grid. How is it calculated? I feel dumb :sweat_smile:


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Hi Taachii,

You are not dumb. You are just not omniscient. :wink:

The meshes were generated in another program. And that program has got its own “world” with its own dimensions. For example, 1 “metre” in Unity is not necessarily the same as 1 “metre” in Blender. When importing a Blender model, the model could suddenly be way larger or smaller in Unity.

A quick fix would be to scale the game object. Then you get “funny” values like this.

A better solution would be to adjust the scale in the software where you created the mesh. If you didn’t create it yourself or do not know how to use a software like Blender, you probably won’t be able to do that. In that case, scaling in Unity would be the better solution.

The grid size does not have anything to do with the mesh.

Did this clear it up for you? :slight_smile:

See also:

Thank you! Now it makes sense haha

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