Vscode intellisense missing when launched from unity

I have a problem with missing intellisense when vscode is launched from unity.

I’m on MacOS with unity, vscode and dotnet installed on external drive.
I have the path for dotnet added in my .zshrc

export PATH="$PATH:/Volumes/T7_SSD/usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet"

And intellisense is working correct when I open vscode from the terminal. However, when I open it directly from unity, then there is no intellisense. I assume it is related to the install location, but I cant find anywhere to add this setting for ‘external tools’ in unity.

Any suggestions ?


Please follow the instruction on this website and make sure all required extensions are installed: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/other/unity

Since you are using a Mac, you need to install the Mono Framework.

I hope this helped. :slight_smile:

See also:

Thank you for your reply.

As mentioned it works when launched from the terminal, but not when launched fro unity. (and yes I have mono framework installed as well)
I suspect it has to do with me installing on external drive.

Anyway - I can easily work with the work around of launching from terminal. I was just wondering.

Is Visual Studio Code selected as your External Script Editor in Unity (Edit > Preferences > External Tools)?

It might be that Unity loses the connection to VS Code when you remove the external drive.

Generally, it is recommended to work on internal harddrives because the connection is usually faster than the connection to external drives. When you remove the external drive, it might be that an important connection gets lost. If possible, install VS Code and everything else locally on your harddrive and use the external drive for backups only.

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