Flight rotation keyboard input does not feel fluid

I am using the Input System package. The rotation feels like it just jumps to the endpoint when using keyboard inputs and does not feel fluid.It is very noticeable in the roll.

I saw in the input manager there is a sensitivity setting, is there something similar for the Input System?

Hi Arovin,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

I’ve watched your video multiple times but, unfortunately, I do not understand what you mean. To me, the movement of the bird looks fine. Could you please point me to the second in the video where the problem starts?

If you use the new input system, maybe Nargleflex’ answer will help:

See also:

If you look at second 6 in the video, it is noticeable when switching from moving left to moving right. When using the keyboard it feels like there are only 3 states, rolled all the way left, facing forward and rolled all the way to the right. It feels smoother with a gamepad as there is a couple frames in between facing forward and being rolled all the way to either side. It is subtle and I am probably being too picky for a learning project.

I can try some of the suggested functions from your link, or switch back to input manager and see if that feels better.

If the problem is subtle, I would suggest to build your game and test the build because the game window in Unity is just a (laggy) preview. If the problem also occurs in the build, look for solutions. If the bird flies smoothly in the build, the problem is limited to the Unity Editor and unsolveable.

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