Hi all,
Am trying to tweak this lecture project and I noticed that my player ship looks weird.
Please see attached two screenshot.
This first one is the look I’m aiming for, and I am able to get that when I comment out ProcessRotation. Notice how I can still see part of the ship, pointing towards the center.
The second screenshot is when I turn on ProcessRotation. All I can see of the ship now is just the backburner, which feels a little weird and is not what I’m aiming for.
Am I doing something wrong here? I am using the exact same code and have followed the lecture as close as possible.
Another question I wanted to ask is – the way the lecture sets up the PlayerControl script is that it is attached to the PlayerShip. If I want to access the CameraPosition, can I do that? How? I wanted it such that the camera also moves around together with the ship, but to a lesser extent.
Cheers and thanks,