Follow Camera vs Transform.position

I’m curious to know what the differences are between Cinemachine’s Follow Camera vs simply changing the camera to follow the ball (like the first car driver game where we change the main camera’s position to follow the car in the LateUpdate() method). Why can’t we use the same technique of changing the main camera’s position using Transform.position in this Snow Boarder game?

Hi Hanon_Leung,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

In many cases, there are multiple ways to make something work in Unity, and Rick cannot show all of them. The technique we used in Delivery Driver could be used here.

However, our “CameraFollow” code is fairly simple compared to the cinemachine asset. The cinemachine comes with more functionality such as special effects such as auto-zoom and so on. We also use this asset in the TileVania project.

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