Argon Assault - Jitter in real time mouse input

Excuse me for repeating this under 'ASK" … I have posted same thing under ‘SHOW’ but realize that this is the place to ask questions.

My question is, what is producing the jitter in the realtime manipulation of the ship (with mouse for translation and rotation) that does not exist in the rail animation.

Rail animation was done on timeline with a little ship animation thrown. This was removed prior to scripting the real-time manipulation). Please compare the two videos and you will see that the jitter is obvious in the second one. Both videos were created using Unity’s built-in video recorder.

Link to video of rail animation that has no jitter:

Link to real-time animation with jitter:

Hi Shriram,

Thank you for your videos. They are very helpful.

Just to make sure I understood the problem correctly: The timeline animation works fine but if you move the space ship with your mouse(?), the movement of the ship is jittery.

If this is correct, there might be a problem with the code. Would you mind sharing it here as formatted text?

Since Rick moves his ship with keys, it would also be helpful if you could describe how you implemented your solution for the movement with the mouse. At the moment, I do not know how you did that.

See also:

In the input manager ‘Horizontal’ and ‘Vertical’ allow both keyboard and mouse button input. So I am not doing anything special to be able to use the mouse.
I just do it because I cant really play my games with keyboard. The only change is that I am using spacebar to shoot the lasers instead of the left mouse button which I am already using to fly the ship.

My jitter problem has disappeared. I wish I knew why but I don’t.
But I have other problems now which I will write about in a new post.

Thank You

If you did not modify the settings of the input system and use them “as they are”, you could try to set the Interpolate value in the Rigidbody component of the Player Ship to “Interpolate”. Since the animation and the movement are not necessarily synchronous, it might be that the problem is/was caused by Unity’s script lifecycle. “Interpolate” often helps to caused problems with jittering if the jittering is not caused by anything in your scene or by your code.

See also:

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