Yes and no. For the Rigidbody2D things, we actually must not use Time.deltaTime
because the physics simulation takes care of the framerate in this case. Furthermore, the Rigidbody2D things are supposed to be executed in the FixedUpdate() method, not in the Update() method. Rick wanted to keep things simple, though, and, usually, that’s fine. However, if you still experience issues with the rotation, I would recommend to rename the Update method to FixedUpdate.
Bear in mind, though: Execute Rigidbody2D things in FixedUpdate(), not everything there is. Also do not use Time.deltaTime
in FixedUpdate(). In this particular case, it’s okay to call GetKey in FixedUpdate(), so don’t worry about that.
If Rick uses the Update() methods for other things than the Rigidbody2D, you can add the Update() method again, and do what he does. However, don’t use empty methods because they are a waste of resources.
(Sounds a bit confusing? Well, that’s probably the reason why Rick used Update() instead of introducing FixedUpdate(). ;))