Instantiate many Game Objects without increasing Scene size

Hi everyone, I’m making a game where I need to instantiate a lot of trees. Since the tree is a big file size, it got lag and dropping FPS if I instantiate too many trees, so is it possible to clone the tree without increasing the scene size?

Hi ront,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

The scene also becomes slower the more the camera has to render. It does not matter if the camera has to render an actual tree object or “clones”. Rendering is rendering.

To increase the performance of your game, occlusion culling might be interesting:

I also found this thread:

Please feel free to ask our helpful community of students for further advice over on our Discord chat server.

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Hi @Nina. Thank you very much for your answer. There is nothing called clones without taking the resource. I also found a technique called “Object Pooling” besides Occlusion culling. Once again, thanks for your help :smile:

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