Hi! New to Unity and I’m running into a few issues in the Delivery Driver section of the C# Unity Game Developer 2D course. Any help is much appreciated!
When I try and open the file, it warns me it’s opening in safe mode.
I open the file in safe mode, these are the errors I get -
This is what my Collision C# script looks like (along with an error saying I don’t have the .NET Core SDK)
But I’ve downloaded the .NET Core SDK, confirmed I downloaded in my terminal (‘which dotnet’ produces a path), and I’ve restarted everything.
I don’t know if the above issues are related, but once I exit safe mode, that’s when I run into my major issues.
I can’t seem to make a serialized field out of a Game Object
I don’t see what’s the issue in my script, but it’s not coming up in the Unity interface as an editable field
I was able to make serialized fields out of the steer speed and move speed, but I’m stumped on this.
Some things I’ve checked / tried:
- In Unity, I checked my Package Manager and Visual Studio Code Editor is verified and version 1.2.5
- Unity > Preferences > External Tools - the external script editor is set to Visual Studio Code
- These are the extensions I’ve downloaded in Visual Studio Code
- For the C# addon, in the settings, I set Omnisharp: Use Global Mono to ‘always’