Enemies dont follow new paths

Hi! Im following the steps of the video but when I create another path an another Wave Config with the new path in play mode the enemy appears in the first waypoint of the new path, but dont move.

Some help pleaseeee


Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Are there any error messages in your console?

If not, try to replace Vector2.MoveTowards with Vector3.MoveTowards in the EnemyPathing class.

If the enemy moves but keeps appearing at an unexpected position, check which WaveConfig file gets used in your game. Just because you created multiple WaveConfig objects does not mean that they get used automatically.

If the enemy does not move at all, please rewatch the video at least one more time. Also compare your code to the Lecture Project Changes which can be found in the Resources of this lecture. Maybe a detail is missing either in your scene or in your code.

See also:

Hi thanks for your answer!

Its finally working, I really dont know how I made it.

The code and the wave Config were good, I think the problem were in the waypoint´s empty objets but I cant solve it.

It dosent matter, now works.

Very thankful

Good job! :slight_smile:

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