
Is anyone else having a jitter problem when the ship fly’s too far away? Either up or sideways. Its not game breaking but it is annoying.

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Unfortunately, this is the first time I’m reading about this problem. Have you checked the environment of the ship? Maybe there is an invisible collider when the ship starts jittering.

Make sure there ship has got only one Movement script attached.

Try to set “Interpolate” to “Interpolate” in the ship’s Rigidbody component. That sometimes fixes issues with the movement.

Also check the camera. The camera must not have a Collider or a Rigidbody component attached.

I hope one of my suggestions helped you fix the issue. If not, please share more information on what you did and have in Unity.

See also:

I fixed it by using FixedUpated instead of the standard Update. I tried all those and it didn’t but then I looked through the visual studio code guide and found the fix. Thank you for responding though.

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