Why would the ball skip some of the blocks?

I just finished laying out some blocks for the ball to destroy. All the blocks here are instantiated from a block prefab. They all contain the ball script that has the OnCollisionEnter2D method which enables destroying the block upon collision with the ball. But here, after I hit play, some of the blocks would still exist after getting hit by the ball. See how these two green blocks that were in close contact with the ball but still didn’t disappear as they were supposed to? Why would this happen?

Hi Tim,

Only the ball may have the Ball script attached.

Have you already tried to set the Collision Detection of the player’s Rigidbody2D component to “Continuous”? If not, do that, please.

Hi Nina,
Thank you. I tried continuous and it worked.

Fantastic! :slight_smile:

See also:

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