Spin Problem Turn based Strategy

hello im following the turn based Strategy course but i struck with one problem when i press the button for spin action nothing happend i follow every single pass but nothing what i missing or doing wrong

You’re not giving us any information. Without seeing what you did there is no way for us to know what is wrong. Perhaps show us the SpinAction code - to start with - since that is the part that’s not working.

sry but i fixed the issue i wrote wrong update, this is very emarassing

Welcome to the community, Algo!

We’ve all done it. In fact, for me, the fastest way for me to figure out what is wrong with something in my project is to ask a question about it. Usually, the process of typing out the problem jogs something in my age-addled brain and the answer presents itself… right after I hit send.
Feel free to ask questions, even if they do seem silly.

A tip, though, to follow up on @bixarrio’s comment. The more information you can provide when asking a question, the more likely it is that somebody can help. While I have extensive notes and knowledge of the courses I assist with, the projects change over the lectures of the course, so jogging our memory with details helps…

For example: Here’s information that could be useful in this situation:

Hello, I’m having difficulty with my Spin Action. When I press the button for spin Action, nothing happened.
Here is my UnitActionSystem.cs
(paste in the text here, following the handy tips on the link at the end of this message)
Here is my SpinAction.cs
(paste in the text here)

Sometimes pasting in screenshots of inspectors (like the button’s inspector, for example) can help to. The more information you can give us to start, the more likely we can help out. :slight_smile:


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