How Updated is content on older courses?

I while back before school I purchased the Game Developer 3D course and the RPG Core Combat Creator course. I never found time to complete them, now that I am finished school I was wondering how the updates for these courses are? Are they still current and updated? or will I find myself learning outdated ways to do things?


(Edit: I had this posted in the wrong section)

Hi Gepetto,

Yes, the courses are still up to date. Of course, it is not possible to always use the latest version of Unity in the videos but that usually does not matter. The tools still work.

In the Unity3D course (the one for beginners), you learn the fundamentals of C# and Unity. Those fundamentals have been the same for many years and probably will not change in the near future. Depending on when you watched the course last time, it might be that Rick and Gary replaced old projects for the course with new ones to teach the content in a different or even better way.

If you want to start with the Unity3D course, install the latest stable version of Unity. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the super fast response, I do not expect the fundamentals of C# to change.
Maybe the Unity3D course isn’t for me if it only goes over basic fundamentals. Which is ok.

In the 2 years I’ve been in college I’ve noticed Unity has a better input system for controlling player input, and how it works with animations and graphics. Before I nose-dived into courses I just thought I ask the community how they felt the courses have held up.

Does anyone have information regarding the RPG Core Combat Creator course for someone looking at getting started with it and how well it still holds up in 2022 compared to 2019? I see a new course Unity 3rd Person Combat & Traversal, is that just a much better one to take?

Are you familiar with Unity and C#? If not, the RPG courses might be hard to follow as you will have to learn the fundamentals of C# and Unity yourself.

If you are interested in developing 3D games, we usually recommend to start with the Unity 3D course, then proceed with the RPG courses. However, that’s just a recommendation, not something you must do.

@Brian_Trotter can answer questions regarding the content of the RPG courses.

While we use Unity 2018.3 in the videos for the RPG: Core Combat course, what we are teaching there still works perfectly in the later stable versions of Unity. As the courses in the RPG series progress, we update the version we’re using, up to Unity 2021.
Aside from the obvious, teaching you how to create an RPG course (in this case, a click to move/act RPG, we don’t do a lot on the input side), I find one of the most important benefits of the course is in the code organization skills including using namespaces, avoiding cross dependencies, using interfaces, and more.
The RPG course does not use the new input system, largely because the style of gameplay (click to move) doesn’t benefit greatly from it.

If you’re mostly interested in the new input system, the Third Person Combat and Traversal course is our deepest dive into the new input system. The course also focuses on building state machines.

Both the RPG series and the Third Person course assume a basic working knowlege of C#, and familiarity with the Unity editor. I find the students who have the most success in either the RPG or Third Person courses are ones that have worked through either the 3d or 2d Game Developer courses.

After Core Combat, the remaining courses in the series (Inventory, Dialogues and Quests, Shops and Abilities) cover concepts that can be ported to any game, although all three of these courses use the RPG: Core Combat course as the backdrop for instruction.

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