Inconsistent Turn Speed

When I run the game, it sometimes turns very slowly, and sometimes very fast, about double the speed of when turning slowly. It seems to be kind of 50/50, but attempts after I crash, it is always the faster speed. I’m finding this really annoying as I can’t properly make my jumps feel nice to play, as it only works for one turn speed. Please if anyone can help me that would be much appreciated, this is so confusing.

Hi Levo,

Please bear in mind that the game view is just a laggy preview. Don’t try to make the game feel perfect there. If you are in doubt whether the problem is caused by the preview or by something in your game, build your game, and test the build. The build is your actual game, not the preview in the Unity Editor.

If you get the same problem in the build, there could be multiple reasons for this undesired behaviour.

  • The camera renders randomly. If you use the cinemachine in your game, select the game object with the CinemachineBrain component. Set the ‘UpdateMethod’ to ‘Late Update’. You may also test ‘FixedUpdate’.

  • We rotate the player with a Rigidbody2D method. Create a new method in your PlayerControllerClass: FixedUpdate. That’s a Unity method like Update and Start. Move the AddTorque method call to the FixedUpdate method. Do not use Time.deltaTime in FixedUpdate. Save your script.

Did this fix the problem?

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