Collision Not Working properly UNITY

Hi, I am at the introduction to collision class and i have noticed that my collision in high velocity does not work properly. if the speed of the p[layer is low it works fine but if I increase the speed the player just passes through the wall like there is not collider.

Thank you.


That’s the expected behaviour since Unity’s physics simulation is highly optimised. In the next section (Project Boost), we learn about Rigidbody methods. You could use a Rigidbody method to make the physics simulation move a game object. That might allow you to have a higher speed.

You have learnt how to manipulate the Transform directly. However, since you haven’t learnt about the Rigidbody methods yet, it would be best to use a slow player. After you completed the Project Boost section, you could try to replace transform.position with a Rigidbody method to make your player be able to move faster while still colliding with other game objects.

Alternatively, increase the values in the Physics settings. This is not recommended, though, because this could slow your game down significantly. The more the physics simulation has to calculate, the slower it becomes.

Also please feel free to ask our helpful community of students for further advice over on our Discord chat server.

I hope this helped. :slight_smile:

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