CrossPlatformInput isn't working, appears to be installed

I’ve imported the Standard Assets from the Asset Store, and the script seems to be in the right place, but UnityStandardAssets doesn’t show up when I type it out - see screen shots.

I’ve tried reimporting all assets (actually broke my circuit and had to rebuild it) and I’ve reinstalled Unity, I’m using version 2019.4.14f1. What am I doing wrong?


Please remove the Standard Assets package from your project. Then reimport the Circuit only, not anything else. The more you import, the higher the risk that you get a conflict.

Does MonoBehaviour have the same colour as your classname? If not, there might be a problem with Visual Studio. Please watch lecture “Fixing Visual Studio Problems” (currently #7).

If the Circuit asset is causing too much trouble, I would suggest to remove it. Watch the video without implementing the Circuit in your project. It’s just that one lecture. In a later lecture, Rick is going to replace the waypoints with a Timeline animation, so you will not miss anything crucial.

Hopefully, this helped. :slight_smile:

See also:

Hi @ metable,

I see that the letter ‘U’ where you typed ‘Un’ (started to type ‘UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput;’) is not capitalized. Could that be it?

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