Interpret online games

How can I upload the games I create in Unity to a network that other people can also play and enjoy


Welcome back to our community. :slight_smile:

You could upload your games to websites such as or

thank you, Is there another place I can share games - on my own website? Or through a link that opens the game? Just on these sites it feels crowded along with another full of other games

Yes, absolutely. There are tutorials on Youtube that teach you how to embed a Unity WebGL game on your own website.

And if you “just” want to share the files, you could simply zip the entire build folder and send the zip file to your friends or upload the zip file on your website, to a cloud or whatever.

That’s completely up to you. :slight_smile:

Please feel free to ask our helpful community of students for more ideas over on our Discord chat server.

See also:

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