Problem getting tiles to appear in game and play mode

I’m further along in the course actually, but here is were I think the problem started.

I read somewhere that to fix the problem I was having with Cinamachine I would have to close Visual studio to install it. That worked but while I was confused I tried a few things I don’t remember, one thing I think was importing assets to another project.

When I reinstalled all the other packages the tile set started to mess up.
Including 2D Sprite and 2D Tilemap Editor. What could be happening?

Hi DarkMan,

Check if the Background Tilemap game object is farther away from the camera than the Platforms Tilemap. You could, for example, set the former to position.z = 20 and the latter to position.z = 10 in their respective Inspector.

If they share the same z-position, you might get the infamous z-fighting effect because the renderer does not know which sprite to render first. In that case, it renders the sprites in an arbitrary order.

Did this help you fix the issue?

See also:

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No that doesn’t seem to have solved the problem. Are there any other possible solutions?

Are there any error messages in your console? Maybe your problem is related to that.

Also make sure that the camera is set to z = -10.

And if you cannot find the problem, updating Unity might be a good idea. Maybe you are experiencing a bug.

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