Trying to make a scene

So I’m having fun with trying the tools, but this bugs me… my attempt at making a city-street with high-rises etc - it is out of line right? (Sorry, not native english)
Perspective doesnt make sense here. It looks like the street is widening somehow (not my intent.)

Might try again tomorrow!


Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

The problem is caused by the setting in the scene view. Take a look at the scene gizmo. There is a label below it, and it probably says “Ortho” or something like that. This means that the scene view is set to an orthographic view. You want to set it to “Persp” (perspective). Click on the label or the cube. That should toggle the view.

See also:

Oh, thank you very much!
That fixed it :slight_smile:

It said iso actually, might be the same as ortho? Will look that up. [Edit: yes the unity guide linked in your reply explains this.] Now it made sense much more with the perspective.

Thanks a lot!

Ah yes, you are right. The gizmo is labelled with “Iso”. Unity uses both terms, iso and orthographic, so I mixed them up in this case. They mean the same, though.

Nice! So where’s the new screenshot? I love cities.

This is delivery hours in mickey mouse-town apparently. My friend who saw a bit of my work with the 3D asked why there’s a cloud with mickey-mouse shape - what he saw was the camera icon :sweat_smile:
Making trees inspired by a good idea here among the other students to make it with multiple balls I made them into Mickey-shaped trees. :slight_smile:

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