Just purchased Humble Bundle Unity Package

Hello! I have almost purchased the Unity Game development courses on Udemy several times when they were on sale. Just happen to see that this was on Humble Bundle and didn’t second guess myself this time. I just purchased the courses ($25 tier) from the Humble Bundle site. I have started watching the videos on the GameDev.tv site and would prefer to watch these from my Udemy account. Is there a way to link the accounts so that I could watch on that platform? For me it is a better experience. I am not forced to either be full screen or look at the Table of Contents that takes up 25% of the screen all the time making the video hard to watch. I am trying to use it like the theater mode on YouTube. Limited on screen space. Have Videos, Unity and Visual Studio cramped all together. I need as much Windowed Video Space as possible. All the training videos I have are on Udemy. The Humble Bundle page looks like you get Keys to activate the video. I was hoping that it would have been for Udemy.

Hi Tom,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Please follow the instruction on this webpage.

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Thanks, I was looking to go the other way. I would like to watch the content on the Udemy platform. The player on that site works better for me. Or is there a way I can download the MP4 files and watch them with Media Player on my computer? Even better yet, play them on my 55" TV. Thus removing the need for the extra window on the screen all together.

Bought a course here but want to take it on Udemy? Please email support@GameDev.tv for your coupon(s). We are given a limited number of coupons from Udemy each month, if these have been used you’ll be added to the waitlist.

“Here” means gamedev.tv / teachable. Please write an e-mail to support@GameDev.tv and let Lucy know that you purchased courses on gamedev.tv which you would like to access on Udemy. She’ll probably be able to help you with this.


Thank you for all your help Nina. I will contact them about this request. I am looking forward to really getting into these courses!

Well, it has been several days and Microsoft just sent back a delivery failure saying:

Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:

support@gamedev.com (support@gamedev.com)
Your message wasn’t delivered. Despite repeated attempts to deliver your message, the recipient’s email system refused to accept a connection from your email system.

Contact the recipient by some other means (by phone, for example) and ask them to tell their email admin that it appears that their email system is refusing connections from your email server. Give them the error details shown below. It’s likely that the recipient’s email admin is the only one who can fix this problem.

For Email Admins
No connection could be made because the target computer actively refused it. This usually results from trying to connect to a service that is inactive on the remote host - that is, one with no server application running. For more information and tips to fix this issue see this article: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389361

DOH, I see where it went wrong. .TV not .COM

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