Particals Not Working

I have a problem where my particles aren’t working when I press space. I’ve been trouble shooting and I don’t know what the problem is. Heres my code:

using UnityEngine;

public class Rocket : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] float rotationThrust = 100;
[SerializeField] float mainThrust = 100;
[SerializeField] AudioClip mainEngine;

[SerializeField] ParticleSystem mainEngineParticals;
[SerializeField] ParticleSystem RightBooster;
[SerializeField] ParticleSystem LeftBooster;

Rigidbody rb;
AudioSource audioSource;
// Start is called before the first frame update

public void Start()//method
    rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();//statement
    audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();

// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
void ProssesThrust()
    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space)) //can thrust while rotating
        rb.AddRelativeForce(Vector3.up * mainThrust * Time.deltaTime);
        if (!audioSource.isPlaying)   // so it doesnt layer
        if (!mainEngineParticals.isPlaying)

void ProssesRotation()
    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))//left movement
        ApplyRotation(rotationThrust); //var short for variable
    else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))//right movement
void ApplyRotation(float rotationThisFrame)
    rb.freezeRotation = true; //freezing rotation so manually rotate
    transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * rotationThisFrame * Time.deltaTime);
    rb.freezeRotation = false; //unfreezing rotation so physics system can do the thing


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Hi @Bo_Walker,

Check if the ParticleSystem objects from the Hierarchy are assigned to the fields in your Inspector. Do not assign the prefabs from your Assets folder. Only particle systems in the scene/Hierarchy are able to emit particles.

I hope this helped. :slight_smile:

See also:


Thank you! this fixed it

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