Sometimes Unable to Zoom In or Out When Working with a Terrain

Sometimes when working with a terrain the zoom in or out seems to get stuck. And somehow it gets back to normal. Does anybody know why this happen? And what to do fix this?
Thank you.


What exactly do you mean by getting stuck? Maybe the focus is set on the “wrong” game object. Select your terrain and press F.

See also:

Hi Nina,

What I mean is that zooming in or out happens extremely slowly. Thanks for your advice.

That usually happens when the focus is set on a different game object. Have you already tried to set the focus on another game object?

Hi Nina,
Thanks a lot. It looks like if you want the zoom in or out to work properly on the terrain, the terrain needs to be selected on the hierarchy (and even doubled clicked and focused on). Otherwise the zoom in or out works very slowly.

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