Terrain issue

I’m trying to move around the terrain in the scene like Rick does at 11:30 and it’s not working for me.
When I hold down the right mouse button and press W, the camera doesn’t move, and the terrain starts disintegrating


Could you please share screenshots of what you see in Unity? If parts of the Terrain disappear in the scene window, select the Terrain in the Hierarchy and press F.

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Zoomed in

I focus on the terrain, hold right click, hold shift and W, and this is what happens.

That’s normal and should not affect your terrain in the game window. Maybe this will help:


See also:

I followed the link, tried the solution, and the problem still persists. Maybe it’s something I’m doing wrong? I select the terrain, press F, zoom in, hold down right click, hold down shift, and then hold W.

You are not doing anything wrong. The terrain does not have any solid inner part and it might be that the other side of the mesh does not get rendered for reasons of performance. If you move the view or camera close to the mesh, a part of the mesh disappears. Tweak the values in the scene camera settings (see the link) to see if you get a better result.

Also please feel free to ask our helpful community of students for advice over on our Discord chat server. Maybe one of them had the same problem as you and knows a solution.

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