Unity Hub can't create new project an open old

Hello, I have a problem with unity hub. I can’t create new project or open old.
When i tried to create new unity project it’s just loading it and don’t load unity itself, and i can’t even open old. I’ve tried to reinstall hub and unity versions. Do you know how to fix it ? pls help


Welcome to our community! Happy New Year! :slight_smile:

Do you use an antivirus program or a firewall that might be blocking Unity Hub?
Regarding your old projects, try to click “Open” and select your “missing” project again.

Also make sure not to use any non-ASCII characters in your path. Unity often has problems with Cyrillic (and other non-Latin/-ASCII characters).

See also:

I use only windows defender. I’ve tryed to open them this way but it doesn’t work. And I’ve create project with ASCII characters, still don’t work (

Is D:\ your internal harddrive?

If so, open your project in the Windows Explorer. Is it still there? Are all relevant folders there? Here is an example: GameDev.tv / Complete Unity 2D 2021 / Delivery Driver · GitLab. You definitely need the Assets folder, Packages and Project Settings. The content of the Assets folder is irrelevant to be able to open your project in the Unity Editor.

Have you tried to remove your project from Unity Hub? Then click the arrow next to the “Open” button and navigate to your project. Select the root folder of your project, not a subfolder such as Assets.

The folder in which the project is, are you sure that it is not in a sub-folder in which the project files are present is because see
is should not looke like this

Yes ith my internals hard drive.
Well i’ve opend windows explorer, but the new p
project that i’ve created even doesn exist there

yes i’am shure. The point is i’ts doesn’t create new projects

Fantastic. Now we know why Unity Hub cannot open your project: Your project is not there. This means that the problem is very likely not in Unity Hub.

Do you have an idea where your project might have gone? Did you accidentally delete it at some point? Did you create it inside another project folder?

Well yes,it was opened earlier. And i’m shure that i’m creating project in the right folder

But the files are not on your harddrive anymore. Something or someone must have deleted them. Check your recycle bin. Are your missing files/folders there?

Hi, Nope it’s empy

In that case, I’m afraid the project might be gone. Make backups on a regular basis to minimise the risk to lose all your projects.

If files keep disappearing from your harddrive and you are sure that neither Unity nor another program delete them, it might be that the harddrive is broken. Try to save your projects on your other internal harddrive.

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