Buttons not changing colors

in the Button Transition, no matter how i change the color of the buttons it doesent work when the game is playing. do i need to change something else before so that the colors change?

Hi TobiSen,

Is there an EventSystem in your Hierarchy? If not, add one.

See also:

There is, yes Do i need to attach something? i did change the input system as well.

Also Later in the course, i find out that my buttons dont actually work and cannot be pressed

How did you change the input system? Or what do you mean by that?

Are your button game objects parented to a game object with a Canvas? (They may also be grandchildren, grandgrandchildren, etc. of a game object with a Canvas component.)

Is Raycast enabled on the buttons?

Is something in front of your buttons? If you cannot find any game object that might be blocking the buttons, maybe disable all game objects but the buttons and their parent game object(s).

I didnt know what to do or what was the problem, so i just started another project and copied everything from the other one and then connected everything, and in this project it seemed to work i really dont know why

In rare cases, the Unity components are buggy. You could try to remove and readd the concerning components. That often fixes certain issues. :confused:

And sometimes, it is better to simply create a new project and move the working things over to that new working project.

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