Insatiate a random object in a string only if that game object does not exist

hey, so I have 6 types of power-up drops that I would like to drop randomly. 2 of which are for different types of extra balls. I don’t want those to powerups to drop if either of them is active or if the balls themselves are active. how I have it set up now works with just the one ball but it also means that it will also always drop first and I don’t know how to add the second one without having a similar problem.

Bricks bs;

    if(bs = collision.gameObject.GetComponent<Bricks>())
            if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball") != null || GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("secondBall") !=null)
                Instantiate(powerups[Random.Range(0, powerups.Length)], collision.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
        if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball") == null && GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("secondBall") == null)


I probably would need more context to give you a right answer and far more code than what you are showing here. But first, do this:

GameObject ball;
private void Awake() { ball = FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball");  }

If you are calling FindGameObjectWithTag this much you should probably start storing those things in a variable.

A solution to your problem: if you are trying not spawn things when the other one is active you should use variables to store that information, bools to be more precise. A way to avoid a predetermined order is with randoms values, loops and checks (“if” statements).

An approach to make this work is to create a PowerUpSpawner Class, then fill it with the information needed. Unfortunately I can’t give more advice unless you post your full script, because right now it’s a little confusing.

the variable power-up is what is storing the fastball
i just adjusted my script to
void FixedUpdate() {
if (!GameManager.instance.Playing)


    vVelocityLastFrame = rb.velocity;
    if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball") == null && GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("secondBall") == null)
        powerups[5] = powerup;
        powerups[4] = ponit;
     if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball") == null && GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("thirdBall") == null)
        powerups[4] = powerup2;
        powerups[4] = ponit;

void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
Debug.LogWarning(“Ball OCE but not playing”);
vDir = Vector3.Reflect(vVelocityLastFrame,

    Brick b;
    if(b = collision.gameObject.GetComponent<Brick>())
       Transform newExplosion =
            Instantiate(explosion, collision.transform.position, collision.transform.rotation);
        Destroy(newExplosion.gameObject, 3);
    Bricks bs;
    if(bs = collision.gameObject.GetComponent<Bricks>())
          //  if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball") != null || GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("secondBall") !=null)
                Instantiate(powerups[Random.Range(0, powerups.Length)], collision.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
     //   if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Ball") == null && GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("secondBall") == null)
       // {
     //       Instantiate(powerup);
    //    }


it seems to have fixed the problem

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Hi @sparky_robinson,

Welcome to our community and good job on challenging your self. :slight_smile:

it seems to have fixed the problem

Does that mean the problem is solved?

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