Polygon Collider 2D "bug"

I’ve been trying to make a “square shape” polygon with polygon collider 2d to match to the edges of my background sandboxes as ricks done on confiner cinemachine extension video (197).
Between, I couldnt create a box, from the straight line that appears to me when I add the polygon collider 2d component to the background tilemap GO, even holding shift(or ctrl) and clicking on vertices.
Can anyone help me? thanks

Hi Thiago,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Have you already tried to remove and to readd the collider?

There was a bug in one of the past versions of Unity which made it impossible to add vertices to the collider shape. I’m not sure if it was in your version. If the issue persists, I’d suggest do update.

Also please feel free to ask our helpful community of students for advice in our official Discord chat.

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I readded the component but didnt worked.
Im Updating Unity and the dev tools as well, may endure all night.
Thanks for the help !

Hi Nina,
just for thank you again.
I updated Unity Editor to latest version and the shape of the polygon collider appeared so I was able to shape it by myself. :+1:

Awesome. So it was very likely a bug in your former version of Unity. :slight_smile:

See also:

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