Use new input system

Hi all,
does anyone know how to replace the Input.GetKey input with the new input system.

please help me

Hi Alienouz,

The new input system gets introduced in lecture “Unity’s New Input System” in the Argon Assault section. You could watch it

Alternatively, you could take a look at the manual and try to make it work yourself.

Did this help? :slight_smile:

See also:

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Thanks a lot for your respond, Nina.
I wanted to finish this project with the input system before jump to the Argon Assault section.
I will look into the documentation you gave,
Thanks again

You could simply jump to the video in the Argon Assault project and watch it. If you understand the idea, you will be able to apply what you learnt to the Project Boost game. However, it is advisable to complete the Project Boost section first before you modify anything to avoid any conflicts with Rick’s other solutions. If you are an experienced programmer, those conflicts probably won’t be much of a problem, though. If you are a beginner, it’s probably better to complete the project first before you replace the old input system with the new one. That’s just my opinion, though.

Do what you feel is best. :slight_smile:

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