How to make the ground collapse as the player moves through the game?

So I’m trying to add on to the snow boarder game, I wanted to make the floor/map start to collapse as the player moves through the level. I have already tried searching on the web.
I found a solution, but as this game has a more variable map, it won’t work for me.

Hi Malay,

First of all, you have to define exactly what “collapse” means in your case because there is no such thing as “collapse”. In our game, we just have one sprite which we distort with the SpriteShape2D component.

Once you know how the result is supposed to look, you can check if the SpriteShape2D component has got features you could use to realise your idea. If it hasn’t, you could, for example, create gaps in your mesh and cover those gaps with the sprites that are supposed to “collapse”.

Your idea is relatively complex and not easy to implement, so do a lot of research and use Debug.Logs. If you feel you do not have enough knowledge of Unity and C# yet, I would suggest to complete this project and, ideally, also the course. Once you learnt more, you could go back to this project and try to realise your ideas again.

Also please feel free to ask our helpful community of students for advice over on our Discord chat server.

I hope this helped. :slight_smile:

See also:

I realized that even though I have finished half of the course, I don’t have enough knowledge for this to work.
Thanks for helping!

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