Change Enemy Path in prefab?


I have a question regarding the paths /waypoints. When creating a path with let’s say 3 waypoints and then making it a prefab everything works IF I don’t change anything.

But if I change something in the actual Path object (not the prefab) then it won’t get updated (which it shouldnt ofc). So let’s say I in PATH1 move the position of waypoint 2 and 3 then the enemy will still go for the path that I made a prefab.

My question is this!

  1. Can you set the waypoints and update them in the prefab? So PATH1 prefab could be updated to change the waypoints OR when I made it a prefab and assigned it it’s set in stone and can’t be changed unless I delete it or create another one that I use?

I also am fully aware that I might have missed something obvious and in that case please do point it out for me:)

It just feels very clunky to create a prefab and not being able to change it afterwards, then I might as well skip making it a prefab?

All the best from a COLD Estonia


Hi Martin,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

If the game object in the Hierarchy is linked with a prefab and if you change something in that game object, you could click on the “Overrides” button in the Inspector of the game object, then on “Apply All” to apply all changes to the prefab.

You can make changes in the prefab itself. Double click on the prefab to enter the prefab mode.

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