Unity closing when I open project

Hi, I have this weird problem with one project. When I want to open it everything seems normal but after importing UnityEditor close without any error or message. What should I do to fix it? Thank you.


Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if I understood your question/problem correctly. What exactly happens when you import the project(?) into Unity? Do you import it into a new version? If so, it might be that Unity opens its empty default scene. If you have your own scene in your Assets folder, open your scene.

See also:

I will try to describe it as accurately as I can, so I open Unity hub and click on the project I want to open. After this it launches the splash screen and after 1-2 minutes splash screen is gone and project is closed without any error or notification just splash screen disappears.

Thank you for explaining your problem again. I think I understood it now. :slight_smile:

After Unity launched and disappeared, press ctrl + shift + esc to open the Windows Task Manager. Check if Unity is in the list and running. If you have a second screen, check if Unity appeared there.

Which version of Unity do you use? Maybe you are experiencing a bug. In that case, try to reinstall or update Unity.

Do you use an antivirus program or a firewall that might be blocking Unity?

I have second screen and in task manager unity also disappears I use unity 2019.4.34f1 I reinstalled it already and firewall is disabled because I also thought it might be blocking unity but still nothing.

That’s a fairly old version of Unity. Maybe you could try to install the latest stable version of Unity 2021?

I know but repo is for this version of unity I can try to intall new and run project on it.

In which course and lecture are you?

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