Low Poly Graveyard Game Ready Assets Pack WIP Thread

I’ve started building a modular dungeon asset pack quite a while ago… but stuff happened, had to do other things. Now I’m back at it, but I decided to start with less ambitious project - low poly graveyard. I’

As soon as I finished working on my old graveyard during my 1 Month of Low Poly Practice Challenge - Finished! I had an idea of making an asset pack from it.

I started with trying to re-use my old models from that old blend file… but I’ve learnt quite a lot from that time and fixing and improving that old models would take me more time than starting from scratch. So I did that :slight_smile:

Here’s viewport view:

I’m trying to keep the poly count as low as possible, using single palette texture to reduce draw calls on game engine side, taking care about small details like lightmap UVs etc.


I remember the original!
Looking a good restart.


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Oh! I remember that graveyard! It blew my mind!

I also had the urge to create a low poly dungeon asset pack, but haven’t been able to play much with Blender in the past months, but now that I’m back, I’ve been playing around with sprite art, textures, normal, occlusion, and height maps, to create “high def pixel art”, but this time for a game I’m making, not as an asset pack.



Lightmap UVs are basically 2ndary UVs used for static lighting in game engines. If you properly unwrap your models than usually you don’t need to worry about it as game engines can generate those by themselves. But for low poly models, that use texture atlas that’s basically a color palette one got to be careful about it. Some of the most popular low poly assets on the asset store sometimes don’t handle it well. And right now maybe global illumination and dynamic lighting with real time ray tracing is all the rage… but static lighting is still way faster and can run well on lower end devices too (including smartphones).


I actually tried to reuse stuff from that one. And I really could do it and could sell asset pack with those assets. They are not strictly bad, might call them decent. But I know how to model things better now :D. With less triangles, better topology, better UVs, better forms, etc.

One does get an urges like that… hard to control them sometimes :sweat_smile:

I got to around ~600 objects already in that one. But how I want to do it would make it 2-3k of modules. This is quite a big thing to make. But I came to conclusion that as I’ve never published asset packs, it’s better to start smaller. And I’ve already learnt that publishing requires to consider many additional things, and I bet will learn more with this one.

Oh wow, that looks really good!


I’ve done additional digging on measurements. the variation is insane of sizes and shapes

That’s just a fragment of my ref board with humans for scale comparison:


The good thing about such big variety is that whatever I do it will be ‘right’ :sweat_smile: . And also good thing about low poly things is that anybody will be able to simply scale it up/down in unity/unreal to fit in their game without texture stretching issues or affecting overall texel density…

I think that in comparison to Manny will might be more-or-less OK as default sizes.


Made a little progress: 33 types of gravestones. Now started to make damaged variants:

And viewport screenshot:


Nice but the game will need the ability to enter text that then appears on the gravestones! So players can personalise who is dead. :rofl:


You are laughing, but I was seriously considering that.

There are a few approaches one can take to do it, but for low poly style (those gravestones are 50-300 triangles) I really don’t know how to handle it in a very efficient way. If I would put that into texture, than it would increase draw calls, but would probably be the most flexible approach from a game dev getting the asset. If I would put some names in geometry that would basically kill the customization.

I think decals might be the way the way about it (but that’s on developer side using the models, as each engine handles decals differently).


I would do two things;

  • Have examples textures with mapping, in case what’s on the gravestone is important to the developer’s design.
  • Add generic gravestones “We’ll always remember you”, “RIP”, “Here lies, there truths”, things like that in case the developer wants the gravestone to have something written on them but nothing specific.


a tough decision to make… I might be able to squeeze in generic RIP or one line into the color palette texture… That wouldn’t increase draw calls… (and for those devs that need a lot of customization there I don’t think that there is other way than do increase draw calls).

Or maybe adding a stone slab that could be put on top with a text…

The question is - if and how many devs need that level of customization :thinking:

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Well, I’ve seen a lot of horror games that use gravestones with engraved messages as a clue, foreshadowing, misdirection, and any other game/level design trick I can think of, but also, I’ve seen a lot of graveyards in games that ask you to simply press a key to read what it says… so… Half and half?

If you are going to sell this asset pack, the more features you add, the more you can charge for it, but at the same time, devs might not be interested in that many features, so… perhaps keep it simple and then, if needed, expand it.


Perhaps it is for an addon, upgrade? Where there are proper image textures to use?


Yea, it’s a hard balance. I myself skipped asset packs that were ‘too big’ at times (but at times I specifically searched for ‘mega packs’). Making stuff for customers is hard :sweat_smile:. I’ll put it into a backlog for now…

Yea, I think I will postpone that feature to version 1.2 :wink: … if there will be a voice from customers about it (:crossed_fingers: there will be something that people will want to buy and I’ll have some voice of customers).


Ok, that took quite a while to finish up - damaging stuff is fun, but quite repetitive and time consuming…

Feature creep will get me always… planned to have ~20 gravestones, have 85 :sweat_smile:. Here’s where I’m at:

And as I spent quite a while doing this I did a quick promo video :smiley:


Looks amazing.

soo true!!

:joy_cat: :heart_eyes_cat:
I like your enthusiasm.
The promo video is cool! I like the background music and the lighting.


What, no long low stone grave covers types? Or bigger box like ornate ones? :grin:


Thomas Hardy's Grave Stinsford - Britain All Over Travel Guide



No, no, no, no… those will come :smiley: . Just the ‘headstones’ are done (for now :stuck_out_tongue: ).


Imported into unreal:

And Unity:

That took couple of hours to fix all the little issues with the models. As always - import to game engine as early as possible to catch issues as they arise.

Ah, and that would take even more time if I didn’t wrote python scripts to help with the exports from blender to both engines.


Quite a bit of time has passed, and I figured it’s high time to update this thread. I didn’t work much on this asset pack in December due to working on another project. But I did spend quite a lot of time on it. I managed to repurpose some of my old models, but I had to make a lot of new ones as well.

I did change my process/method a lot from my original assumptions:

  • The deadline for finishing the Unity version is now 2023-03-01. Hopefully, I’ll manage to do everything I want :crossed_fingers:
  • I decided to progress sequentially: first, I’ll create the Unity package, and after I submit it, I will focus on making the Unreal package. There are enough differences between the two engines, and shuffling files between them (even with scripts for exporting) added too much overhead that slowed down overall progress.
  • Instead of working on each category separately (e.g., tombstones, fences, etc.), I went through all of the categories and created at least a few models for each.
  • After conducting research on how to import characters correctly for each engine, I decided not to add characters. First, it takes a long time (a few hours at the very least per character). Second, I need to practice more on how to create them. Third, the deadline. I might make a separate pack with characters later or add them in future updates if the asset becomes popular enough.
  • I decided to support all three rendering pipelines in Unity. I figured out a quite efficient way to synchronize models and maps for my use case between the three projects, so it shouldn’t add up too much.
  • I figured out how to do good lighting in Unity across rendering pipelines to showcase the assets: Exploring the Beauty of Unity Lighting.
  • I made a few scripts (with the help of ChatGPT! :D) to assist me in setting up the models in Unity. These are relatively simple things but automate a lot of manual labor. I might publish them on GitHub later.

Finally I reached a point that “vertical slice” of all kinds of models are done.

Here are some more screenshots. First the fences. They are similar to what I did in my 1 Month of Low Poly Practice Challenge - Finished! - #73 by bOBaN , but I had to redo many of them to be game ready, and have less triangles (this applies to all the models that look similar to what I did at that time):

Next, the gravestones, some props, sidewalks and start of small crypts:

Start of graves:

And last, but not least - statues, rocks, trees:

All of those models are already imported in Unity, with neutral lighting and no post processing in showcase scene:

All of them have custom colliders. The process of importing and setting up collisions took quite a long time (almost a week!). I quickly added them to the scene that I was testing lighting in. This is an approximation of how it might look in Unity after setting it up in URP:

I’m at 305 models at the moment. Next step is to add variants to most categories. I should do this faster (:crossed_fingers: ). Still a lot of more work to do though :slight_smile:


Sounds unreasonably difficult and complicated. No wonder no one wants to do a Blender to game engine courses or tutorials.

Stay out of Game engines! Keep to pure Blender! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


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