2024 Collab: Week 29 “It’s a Low-Poly World” - VOTE CLOSED

Spent about an hour and 20~30 minutes on this. I think it turned out okay.

Inspired by this specifically

Which you can find in this old article: 100 Days of 3D Design. How I taught myself 3D modeling in 100… | by Tiantian Xu | The 100 Day Project | Medium

I’ve started trying to take at least 5-10 minutes to quickly sketch lay outs of my ideas. Here’s the one I made for this. You can see I change it just a little bit since I didn’t want to remake the trees, used some of my older premade ones.

Can’t wait to see others creations, I know low poly is a super popular style.


This is what I’m talking about! Thanks so much for getting this week’s topic started, @HobbyPirates! This looks fantastic. I’m still sketching out ideas and hope to have something appropriately low-poly later this week.



So good!!! What a cute chikorita!I can tell this week is going to be a tough vote. :grinning: I can’t wait to see other entries (and hopefully come up with one of my own). Great work, @Joey_Cuevas!


I love it! In fact, I love both entries so far :grin:. I don’t think I will be able to go ahead with my idea this week… work, work, and work! :laughing:.

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Oh my… low poly <3

I might create something else here… but if I don’t have time, one of my semi-recently made things:

And video version:

If you like low poly work… this is how my low poly journey started: 1 Month of Low Poly Practice Challenge - Finished! and this is how it’s been going recently: Low Poly Graveyard Game Ready Assets Pack WIP Thread


This is sweet! I am thoroughly enjoying this week’s entries. Thanks @bOBaN for throwing your hat into the ring! The scene looks excellent.


Couldn’t quite get the colors where I wanted them, but I’ve been tinkering with this for a few days now, and I figured I should call it done.


Beautiful serene view. … tiny birds (dots), little flags …

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Flags! I totally forgot to add those. I’ll add them to the next castle I make.


I like it too, but if you really feel like it, you can still update it :smiley:


Nope, it’s been submitted. No going back now.

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Flags, no flags, whatevs. It looks really good! The castle design is great!

EDIT: Thanks all for the feedback. I have updated my submission entry so you can see the pond and am using the closeup as my submission this week.

Just finished watching season 3 of Mandalorian and that ending shot was so great I had to recreate it in low-poly :rofl:

While I recreated the full scene, I really like the closeup and think that one should be the submission. What you do all think? Which version do you like better?


It’s a great image! Though I like the composition of the second one better, because the first one seems to keep pointing to the empty door, while the details are richer on the left side.


Close up has more subject focus. Far away is more suited to a landscape scene. imo.


Yeah, I was thinking of closing the doorway but it was open in the closing scene of the show. I didn’t want to build a table, chair, and shelf cause it was barely visible in the series, so I just kept the black hole instead :rofl:.
Yep, closeup it is for this week. Besides it shows off Grogu better - even low-poly, he’s cute!


I have to agree with the others, I also think the close-up works better. The only thing I noticed is… where’s that frog coming from? And then I realized the pond is almost completely out of frame in the close-up. Not a big deal though, as I’m sure that frog is a significant part of the scene in the show and it will be clear enough to anyone who’s seen it. When you suspend your sense of realism enough to accept the frog’s presence there, everything looks amazing.

Accept the frog. Sounds like a cult mantra, lol!


I am tempted to shift the camera a bit so you can see the pond. I may do so and resubmit before this closes, if I have time.

“Accept the frog.” I think I’ll just randomly start using that in life and see where it takes me :rofl:


You’ll probably turn into a jawa, haha!


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