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hi guys I’m trying to down load the alpha texture to continue the course and I get this message when i use this link! ZBrush - The World’s Leading Digital Sculpting Solution (

I’m wondering if its my pc or if its the website that’s causing the issue

Edit so after a god awful amount of spinning my wheels attempting to create my own alphas in the most convoluted way possible I stumbled across this video Creating alpha textures from photos (

its pretty straight forward and now I can use this for any future modeling so it was worth it. thanks again for the help @BH67

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Not sure what you mean it is what is mentioned in the lecture a web site where you can get free Alpha Brushes.

Mind you I can not see a link provision bar telling you in the lecture.

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Hey :wave:, that happened to me too, and I just had to download them off my phone :+1:!

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It looks like a problem with the website itself; Firefox suggests the security certificate expired. I did a bit of digging and it looks like you do have the correct link (ie not a phishing site), but you’re still going to be downloading at your own risk while the website is in this state. If your browser doesn’t let you ignore the warning and download anyway, try a different browser (Firefox should work, but I didn’t actually click to ignore the warning and proceed with the download).

You may want to consider looking for another source of free brush alphas as well. Who knows, maybe you can find something even better.


@BH67 Thank you! I started looking into how to make my own last night, thats a whole can of worms but it could add a little personal touch.


Yeah its the two textures mentioned from pixellogic, in the finer print it says the certificate expired 44 days ago I just wanted to be sure it wasn’t a problem on my end. I think I’ll try and make my own alphas


Cheers, and congrats =)

That’s a pretty nice solution to discover! There are some wikis on the forums that act as collections of helpful stuff like this; since anybody can edit them, and since you had some difficulty making alphas at first, you should consider adding that link to one or both (I’d do it myself, but it’s you who found it, so you should decide!).


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