2024 Collab: Week 24 “Found under the sea” - VOTE CLOSED

This is the Blender Collaboration 2024, week 24 challenge. Don’t be afraid to join, a lot of us are beginners. This is all to practice, have fun, learn, and get together.

This week’s subject is “Found under the sea”.

The rules are simple. 1 subject, 1 entry, 1 week.
You create whatever object or scene or whatever you can think of that has something to do with the subject. It can be as simple or complicated as you want, all entries are welcome!
Post your picture here in this thread. At the end of the week, we start to vote. And if you are the winner, you may choose the next subject and win a unique badge.

Deadline: 2024-06-15T21:55:00Z

If you want to stay informed of the @ BlenderCollab?
Subscribe or unsubscribe to this “BlenderCollab” group.


somehow, of all the real treasures that can be found at the bottom, this is what came to mind… :sweat_smile:


I revisited an old project and tried to improve it a bit. I added fishes and a new caustic system. With the node setup that can be added to the special spotlight for Cycles, the caustic lights have become much more realistic, I think. :sweat_smile:


That’s a terrifying image! But I dig it. I am always fearful of something that can cut my feet underwater. I should really invest in some water shoes!


Those caustic god rays do look great, consummatumest. I really like the sea anemone in the foreground. I’d personally like to get a better look at the submarine hiding in the background. I feel like that should be the focus, but right now, the beautiful anemone is stealing all that focus even though the sub is a brighter yellow. I recommend you continue to play around with the composition on your scene.


I started with a very different idea, and I think this is beyond what I can do now, no matter how many tutorials I find and try to put to use :joy:. But here comes the fishie; it found something under a shallow sea.

Let’s see if I can make some sense of it, since my (paid) job has been crazy this week :woman_facepalming:.

Here comes the fish after some additional work. At least there’s some diffusion, so be it. But I am learning a lot these days (i.e. I am messing things up a lot :joy:).


This looks excellent, Megane_Wang. If you have time in-between your busy job week, I recommend giving it a bit of volumetric fog treatment and perhaps some slightly blue tints to the lighting to make it feel more like these items are underwater. I don’t really think you need a lot more to sell your idea.
Also, I really like the translucent/almost glass-like fins on that fish. The texture on them looks so cool!

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My submission: Modeling, texturing, lighting, and animating an old-fashioned, brass steamship telegram machine.

Perhaps it’s a bit grim, but I figured it’s a good candidate for the theme of “under” the sea since it wasn’t uncommon for many of these devices to make that their final resting place – and the particular design I used here is inspired by the telegram machines aboard the RMS Titanic.



Here’s the image I posted earlier this week. These two critters “found” each other under the sea.


Thank you, I feel that my knowledge of Blender is still a limited, but this is what I am trying, so I will keep trying a bit more :woman_facepalming: :joy:.

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CypherPoet, it’s gorgeous! Have you thought of maybe making it look old and rusted, perhaps moss covered, as if it’s been sitting underwater for over 100 years?

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Joey_Cuevas, great wreck! And really nice use of volume and god rays.


I wanted to capture it in all of its “fully operational” brilliance – but that’s certainly a modification one could make in the future :smile_cat:

We @BlenderCollab have a few days to vote. You can vote fast but also think slowly about design, colors, technique, difficulty, subject, realism, etc. Choose consciously and not on your entry.
The new subject week 25 “Magic trick” has already started. The winner of this week’s “Found under sea” challenge may select a subject for next week 26 and win a badge.


These are all great submissions. +1


I heartily agree. These are really excellent. I like them all. Made voting this time around difficult.

Soo hard to chouse ))))

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@mfortunato congratulations on your Disney-like characters with the topic “Found under the sea”. Very nice use of lighting and color palette. It looks very soft and cozy. And through the chosen facial expressions, a little story is created. A kind of first meeting, the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

  • Kzanna - Good story and scene. The toes look good but then again they don’t. Applying some sun rays would generate more underwater effect.
  • Joey_Cuevas - I love your rays of sunshine casting shadows on the ship. It makes it mysterious. There could be a more “Underwater” scene by adding sea creatures and vegetation.
  • Megane_Wang - Also a story in this scene. Perhaps too dull, and using more vibrant colors?
  • consummatumest - Your beautiful sea anemone should be the centerpiece of the composition. The composition is too busy. Sometimes less is more
  • CypherPoet - Nice asset! But I miss a feeling of “Under the sea”.

Note: I don’t want to offend anyone. I try to write down positive ideas and visions in my simple use of the English language. I am also sometimes more inspired by a particular subject or solution. I’m also learning from you!


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