2024 Collab: Week 23 “Text” - VOTE CLOSED

This is the Blender Collaboration 2024, week 23 challenge. Don’t be afraid to join, a lot of us are beginners. This is all to practice, have fun, learn, and get together.

This week’s subject is “Text”.

  • Text - Make a scene highlighting text in some way. Perhaps some “Happy Birthday” balloons or maybe a “Caution” sign with some unfortunate events unfolding in the background.
  • Subject selected by the previous Week 20/21, 2024 “Stars" winner Turgul

The rules are simple. 1 subject, 1 entry, 1 week.
You create whatever object or scene or whatever you can think of that has something to do with the subject. It can be as simple or complicated as you want, all entries are welcome!
Post your picture here in this thread. At the end of the week, we start to vote. And if you are the winner, you may choose the next subject and win a unique badge.

Deadline: 2024-06-08T21:55:00Z

If you want to stay informed of the @ BlenderCollab?
Subscribe or unsubscribe to this “BlenderCollab” group.


Oof, hard to find a starting Point for the topic. Maybe the looped GIF i Made a while ago.


*EDIT - Thank you, BH67. I took your advice and added business cards (I also modeled a Colt .38 detective special - ran out of time to finish adding texture details - but it looks good as-is).

This is my first time entering one of these weekly collab challenges. For some reason, a scene immediately popped into my head: some kind of 1940’s private dick scene, perhaps the name of a PI on a door to the office. Then I started modeling the desk assets and realized I wanted a closeup of the desk instead. I didn’t realize I would spend all day yesterday modeling this scene. But I started and couldn’t stop, I was having so much fun. The newspaper I created in Illustrator and Photoshop as a texture, pulling from Chandler’s The High Window, a Philip Marlowe novel. I used photos of LA Times newspapers from the 40’s as inspiration.

I’m posting

FINAL RENDER FOR THIS WEEK’S COLLAB (cause I have no more time to work on it):


Great idea!

Would a business card feel right? I can see a few places where something like that might add even more story to the scene.


I like that idea a lot. I based this off of Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe. I don’t think he ever used business cards, though, but I’ve never read the books, only seen some of the movies. I could have put a notepad because the character likes to write poetry. But I already had the newspaper for the text portion and didn’t want to detract from that.


My submission is bubbles all the way down 🫧🫧🫧

I made a custom procedural bubble material, and then used that to create bubbly text of the word “bubbles” – spelled out in the “Bubblegum” font face:


I LOVE YOUR BUBBLE MATERIAL! Sorry, for the yelling. It’s wonderful. Great job!

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Asbtract text:

Retro text:

Please see my instagram reels at the link before to see these animated, as they do move and shift colors.
I cannot get the files small enough to let me upload them here directly. This was a fun challenge since I’ve never messed with text in blender, and I actually still plan to do a couple of more as well for fun.

I’ll use the Retro text as my submission for this week though.


Thanks! :raised_hands:

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Apparently I misunderstood that we were supposed to use the text tool in Blender. I thought we were creating a scene that featured something with text on it :rofl:. Oh well, I stand by my scene anyway.


Usually, every week we’re allow to do the prompt however we interpret, I don’t think anything is wrong with yours. The original idea that came to my mind was also a scene where text was featured on it, thought of just seeing a phone screen with a long message on it.

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I’m a big fan of your piece. It is very much in line with what I had in mind for possibilities for my topic this week. The prompt was intentionally open ended. I just wanted to give people an opportunity to think specifically about how we can use text in a composition :slight_smile:


This time I decided to use some real life experience for a message. There is still a lot to do, but the idea is there… :wink:

Some improvements done here and there, a few final details, added a handy kitchen chair for depth reference, learned a few things more about normals and reflections, and here you are, the final version:

I am still starting at this, but I worked as a photographer in-training for a while and this setup finally looked so familiar that I am going to share it for anyone interested on painting with lights; comments welcome! :grin:


Not Again !!! :laughing:


This week I made an animation

A frame for the vote:

Some details about the design

This week was another opportunity to practice my shading node skills (and my first time using light nodes).

The basic scene looks like this:

I made the tiles for both the left wall and floor from scratch, the “Blender” text animation was made using geometry nodes.

These were then masked into a scene I had made following Ducky 3D’s motion graphics course and projected onto the left wall using light nodes and a spotlight.

The “Collab” text was first made as a flat image using the text tool

Then I used it as a mask over a drywall nodetree, with some noise texturing, displacement, and the ambient occlusion node and some blackbody radiation for the emission. Then I animated the mask with respect to the position of an empty. So the right wall is all one shader, no modeled geometry.

Finally, the right side was finished by making a projector area light and light nodes.

The only lighting in this scene is the projector on the left, the projector on the right (while the text is being written in), and the emission from the ‘Collab,’ no other scene or world lighting.


My submission this week, hope i´m not too late.


same ^^

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Wow, so much Blender tech. Great entry!

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No! You’re too late when I’m busy creating the voting. Until then, you’re fine. :wink:

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