The Blender Collab: Week 32 "A Mystical Place"

That’s interesting. Yeah I definitely feel like I could never have the ability to be a competent painter but find digital tools an outlet for a similar urge. When you say film, you’re approaching it from building a CGI landscape specifically or do you mean how you think of the camera as moving and fluid? I think it’s definitely a trap I could fall in of setting up a similar way every time.

That was my instinct and I want to have total control over composition from the beginning. I have tried some architecture-type projects where accurately modelling was more important than a single image and I think I’d be able to learn certain skills related to technical aspects if I keep doing them every now and again.

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Interesting. I haven’t really tried any sculpting yet so I’m hopefully working towards a situation where I can judge it right depending on the project. If a central object requires a lot of work I could imagine not worrying about the camera angle until it’s completed.


I am also inexperienced in sculpting, though I would like to get into it some day.

For me the distinction is do I want to make some thing, or do I want to make a scene. An example with a couple of my projects:

This one I just wanted to make a sword. So I made the sword by itself and then did the background and the camera angle after.

This one I wanted to make a castle scene

…so I started with a real simple blockout.
This was helpful because I knew which parts I didn’t need to bother with. From a different angle…

… you can see I didn’t need to do the side walls or anything else that wasn’t visible from the front.



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