Just a little update of my project, i wanted to share with you my method to apply only 2 materials in all my scene controlling.
So that basically the final result.
and this is my shader
how you can see, there are 31 objects sharing the same material, and as you can see in the uv screen there are 10 differents colors on the grid, but it could support ass many ass i want, in my case that grid is 8x8. Ofcourse my 3d only have solid colors so i didnt need a texture just a solid color, but the thing is that there was a lot of objects that use differents speculars, metallics, roughness, etc…
so for control that i make mostly the same process to controll all of them, so know that grid start to work like a coord. Just need to take the uv and put it in the correct cuad of the grid.
Then you can start to think like this cuad like a new material, it has limitations ofcourse, but the rendering time is reduced a lot.
So there are the other textures.
there are only 2 objects that have a different material, but they share it between them, the watter and the cristal. that couse i wanted to use a volumen absorption shader, and at the moment i couldnt find a way to difference if an object should or not use a shader in the same material.
Any way, as you can see at the moments im not using all the grid, but still work for what i want, btw all texture are only 256x256…
Well i just wanted to share part of my process!
Btw, i didnt correct the text couse i have to leave fast, so i hope you understand hahaha