Question on Modular Asset approach for Blender to Unreal Workflow

Hi All,

I’m pretty knew to both Blender and Unreal, and had a question regarding building and creating Modular Asset packs. I completed Grant’s course on creating 3D Worlds where he creates building “modules” that can be used as building blocks to quickly throw together larger buildings.

This approach makes good sense to me, but when using it for creating assets for my own UE5 game project, I’ve found the export process to be cumbersome, and error prone.

To export my “buildings” for Unreal, I have to make sure I hide the buildings or modules I don’t want to export, then select the exact buildings I do want, reset their locations to the center of the Blender world, and finally export them. Once done, I move them back to where I had them beforehand in Blender, and this feels a bit tedious, especially if you have a lot of modules.

Is it possible to simply export the buildings wherever they are in Blender, and have them import into Unreal with their individual origins as the mesh center point?

Maybe I’m doing something wrong, or maybe not and it’s just a process you dial down with experience. Any advice on this would workflow be appreciated, thanks!



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I’m using this addon:

The above one exports one by one, but you can mark for export multiple ones. If you want a helper thing to mark selected object for export in one go you can try: (I wrote that one :smiley: )


Perfect, thanks for this! I haven’t had a look at these yet, but hoping to find some time today. I’ve heard of that first addon before but not had chance to check it out. Either way I’m sure with these I’ll find the process easier :slight_smile:

I’ll let you know if these do the trick


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