Compiling issue. UE5.3

I’ve been bashing my head on the desk over this problem in the past 3 days but I don’t understand what’s happening. I deleted everything and installed them all over again but nothing helped! Can someone please tell me what I am missing?!

And I can’t open the project with unreal anymore as I keep getting this error

I know the problem is not from the project tho because I tried to make a cpp project directly from unreal and this happened

Edit 2: There is a bug in MSVC 14.39 that effects UE 5.0 and 5.3. 5.4 also bans that version of MSVC.

In 5.0 that would appear as errors regarding TStringConversion, use the instructions below to downgrade to 14.38.

In 5.3, errors regarding FHazardPointerCollection, with the latest version of 14.39 this no longer causes that error on my end so updating Visual Studio should fix this.

In 5.4 Epic has banned use of 14.39 so you would need to downgrade. You should only need to follow the steps below up to installing 14.38 as Unreal should already be using that instead of 14.39.

Edit: This appears to be fixed in MSVC 14.39.33523, so if you run into this, be sure to update Visual Studio.

This is due to a bug in the latest version of MSVC:

Install the previous version of the toolset by opening the Visual Studio Installer then modify your install and go to Individual Components and search for

“MSVC x64 14.38”

and select the build tools to be installed and proceed to installing it.

Then modify your Unreal Build configuration to use that instead of the latest version by going to

%APPDATA%\Unreal Engine\UnrealBuildTool\

by pasting that directly into the address bar of File Explorer or using Win + R. Then open the .xml file in a text editor and have the following.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Configuration xmlns="">

After saving the .xml Unreal should use 14.38 to compile with instead.

You can go to

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\

then open "Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.” to see the exact toolset versions of you have installed which is needed for the above xml in case your version of 14.38 differs from mine.


Thank you so much. It worked perfectly. :blush:

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