Issue about "Followin modules are missing or built with a diffirent engin ver."

I have started compiling a C++ Project lesson 3 days ago. Ihave been following lessons very closely. When teach said “close the editor” i closed it. ever since it gave me this message
Ekran görüntüsü 2025-03-12 222416
then i hit yes and it gives me this
i have tried that solution below. and situation still the same. Idon’t know if it helps but I am using UE 5.5.3, Visual Studio 2022 and .NET8.0 SDK x64

[Compiling issue. UE5.3]([Compiling issue][quote=“c4g1, post:1, topic:253105, full:true”]
I have started compiling a C++ Project lesson 3 days ago. Ihave been following lessons very closely. When teach said “close the editor” i closed it. ever since it gave me this message
Ekran görüntüsü 2025-03-12 222416
then i hit yes and it gives me this
i have tried that solution below. and situation still the same. Idon’t know if it helps but I am using UE 5.5.3, Visual Studio 2022 and .NET8.0 SDK x64

When you added 14.38, did you delete your binaries, intermediate and saved folders?

Give this a try:

Close Visual Studio and Unreal Editor and Launch the Visual Studio Installer. Click Modify and under individual components search for 14.38. Select the CLI, Build tools and ATL items for the x86/x64 only.

Now, in your project folder, remove binaries, intermediate, ipch, .vs, DerivedDataCache, Saved and finally the .sln file. Don’t open the project just yet.

Check the folder assuming VS is installed on C Drive: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\ and check the version. There should be a folder called 14.38.33130

Now you have that confirmed, Navigate to “%appdata%\Unreal Engine\UnrealBuildTool” (WINDOWS+R or run from start menu) and edit BuildConfiguration.xml so it has the following: (it probably has LatestVersion in there)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Configuration xmlns="">

Now you’ve done all that, launch your project and it will prompt you to build, say yes and hopefully you have a working setup

I have no idea if this works for 5.2 but you can use 5.4 with the course if need be and the steps will work with that.

Let me know how you get on.

It didn’t work out still gives the same messages.
By the way I downloaded this individiual componets. Almost all of them…

Thinking about downgrading UE5.5.4 to 5.03. Can it work?

You shouldn’t have to. Try 5.4 first before you get started. As it happens, 5.0 is even worse to set up now as it also shows the same issues but needs a different version of MSVC again from 5.4 and 5.5

Okey then. I’ll download 5.4.4. then try all the things which lesson teach. I hope i don’t hit a wall again… Thanks so much

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