Blender Collab: Week 40 “Architecture”

Nice. Either way, it works for me!

I think the noise works in its favor. Super moody :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

This week I tried to understand the structure of the Palace Pena in Portugal. I did not finish, of course, it was an enormous project!


Voting rules:

  • One vote, please do not vote on your self.
  • Subject was Architecture, vote for the best interpretation of this subject.
  • Voting closes tomorrow 23:55
  • Winner make choose a new subject.
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When I selected this subject Architecture I thought it was an easy subject. Using basic Blender objects, applying textures. Enough reference material to find.But the number of participants was low. Maybe not such a fun project. But I hope you have learned something new. I did.

I would thank you all for the entries this week. Have fun, stay corona save.

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This is my interpretation of the Architecture subject. I did not participate in the vote, because I showed my project progress online. Got some feedback, used that to fine-tune my version. I did this to show people how I approached a project like this. Just to learn from it.

As always have fun.


Architecture can give the idea of a large amount of fine detail. I have a “great library” / mage academy that I’m working on and considered pushing to get it done for this week. However, with the scale of it and detail I want to put into it, I knew it wouldn’t have been ready.
The entries this week, though low, are quality stuff. It’s always fun to see interpretations of the same subject or theme.


It is a good subject, perhaps as you found it needed more time to do though. I have an item I could have entered but have been working on for months and finally felt it unfair to put in with things done in a week.


Maybe show it as a late entry, as I did.

Ok, might open a thread on it for advice and criticism later too. Like you did. Also so as not to muddy this thread with such late shows commentary.

Still long way to be ‘finished’. Core structure modeled. Basic textuing.

Related thread made.


nice work everyone :slight_smile:


The topic was really scary and time consuming, I mean… obviously not my entry, my entry was hideous, but for all of you that really put in the effort, it was obviously quite a hard topic. I’m actually glad you put that challenge, it shows the limitations of each and one of us, but that comes with a price, less entries and also not beginner friendly, which is fine to have that amazing challenge every once in a while.


I feel differently about this one. It was a very scalable topic, from beginner to advanced/expert. Architecture can be anything from an artistic sculpture in a park to a rectangular building to a space station and many things in between. While conceptually it may seem scary and time consuming, that doesn’t mean it actually has to be. And your entry is a great example. It is architecture and you the architect.
That is also why I added the quote with my entry, we limit ourselves with our own thoughts and I don’t think this could show more clearly than with this topic.


Wow it really good work, I feel gothic architecture vibes :slight_smile: I just got acquainted with the theme Lychgate, Did you model this based on any building? Coz its really looks so real. :innocent:

In the topic of architecture i feel the same, it needs more time than a week, I work on two projects connected with architecture by myself but I know I’m not too advanced so It takes me so much time, but like in Blender the most important to have fun, feel the ‘flow’ and learn. :wink:


Looks awesome.


Congratulations @Digitz Just pulled ahead. Please pick a new subject asap.


Congrats @Digitz, you work was for me an exact description of architecture in its core.
And you could have done more with this idea. Improving the details.
If you need help for setting up the next collab let us know.


Congrats, Digitz! Voted for you this week! A fresh look to the topic and good composition! What is the new theme?

Wow! Awesome, that was unexpected. Thank you for the votes and the feedback. I really appreciate the hard work that everyone put in with their submissions too, well done everyone.

Hmmm, how about stylized for the next topic.


I’ve created a new topic for you!


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