S7-194 Girl Head Sculpture

Hey, guys! This is my final human head sculpture. I mean, I know that I didn’t made her hair from particles, but I decided to stop here and go for the next exercise. I have almost no experience with sculpting and I never tried to sculpt hair before, so I wanted to try it here.
I experimented with particles on her eybrows and eyelashes though. Not sure if its ok, but it’s better than I thought that it could be.
I’m open to any tips on what I could do to improve this, so I can use that info on my next works. Thanks!


What can I say, it looks good to me. yes lots to improve, but for a first project it really a good starter.

If you want to proceed in this direction, then practice, practice, practice …
Do many small projects, each improving on the previous project.
Human faces are the most difficult parts of 3D.

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Cool! Thanks, Pete!
And I voted right now. Thanks for telling me, or else I would have missed it.

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