Too much yellow light … it makes the colours blend/flat.
try to experiment more
blueish, as in cheap LED light … the bishop is a good improvement.
There is a light node called ‘blackbody’ where you can select the sun light temperature.
Which gives a more natural light.
But I know, lighting is difficult. A tiny bit of colour does flood the scene. That’s why 3 point lighting is explained. It also helps to move a point light far away and increase the wattage. Or using a area light.
Don’t give up!
I found the blackbody node, but i have no idea how to apply that to a light. I dont see options to add nodes to the light. I added some background stuff and tryed some differend lighting this time
Yes, you are right, the old way isn’t there anymore. strange … I’ll investigate because I used it a lot.
before you could select the sun lamp, open the node editor adding nodes (blackbody) to the light.
But the new Blender also supports a new type of light emission. Forgot how they call this. But it’s possible to define some sort of light beams. Never done that.
Your table setting is a big improvement. Give more depth and meaning to the scene. The lighting (yellow) isn’t a problem anymore. I do think the gameboard frame is too massive (draw to much attention).
have fun
Okay, it’s not available in Eevee. In Cycles you can activate the lamp node functionality to add blackbody to a sun lamp.
If you have the time, can you give your vote for the Blender week 40 collab on Architecture, Thanks.