2024 Collab: Week 22 “Phones” - VOTE CLOSED

This is the Blender Collaboration 2024, week 22 challenge. Don’t be afraid to join, a lot of us are beginners. This is all to practice, have fun, learn, and get together.

This week’s subject is “Phones”.

  • Phones - A phone is a communication device that has evolved from the early rotary dial models to today’s advanced smartphones, integrating features like internet access, cameras, and countless applications. Its history traces a remarkable journey from Alexander Graham Bell’s invention in 1876 to the multi functional, portable devices that are now integral to daily life.
  • Subject selected by the previous Week 19, 2024 “Aeronautics" winner CypherPoet

The rules are simple. 1 subject, 1 entry, 1 week.
You create whatever object or scene or whatever you can think of that has something to do with the subject. It can be as simple or complicated as you want, all entries are welcome!
Post your picture here in this thread. At the end of the week, we start to vote. And if you are the winner, you may choose the next subject and win a unique badge.

Deadline: 2024-06-01T21:55:00Z

If you want to stay informed of the @ BlenderCollab?
Subscribe or unsubscribe to this “BlenderCollab” group.


Old tech



“Can you hear me now?” “What?” XD


This is defiantly not a submission but wanted to share a couple old projects that fit the theme. Just gunna link to them since we’re not allowed to upload videos. unmute the videos if you are able because they each have music. There is two mobile game ad concepts both a little janky but was a great learning experience. In the first one I even forgot to hide the phone that drops in after the duplicate phone is unhidden. I was having problems changing parents during the animation due to the method I was using so to solve it I just created a second phone but never hid the original. This was an internship project that never got finished because halfway threw their entire department was let go and shutdown. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Wm39vE


My best ideas come to me while walking my dogs, and they’re always the silliest.


I would add a bit of Blood to the opened Lid … :grimacing:

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Perhaps a Child with a Bleeding Ear ? :roll_eyes:

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Youd better get out your Banana Pen !!!

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I love the idea and thought about the same but a bit safer for the ears :joy:… I noticed, though, that the lids’ shapes are perfect, but the bottoms of the cans are usually the same.

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Yes, indeed. In my own defense :wink: , the can was from an old project. There was no need for it then.
And that’s the problem with assets. Making a full model, which takes a lot of time and are you going to re-use the model again. Or model just what you need …

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Could look better with a few more skills … Thought count Hopefully ? Amanita Telephone Interface for Mycellium Mycorrhizal Neural Network .


Wow, that may become a bit toxic quite fast but it’s nice!! :smiley:

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Father Christmass sorts that out by hanging them up in their Tree to Dry for the Solstice :smirk:

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I like the evolution, it is easier to “see” :smiley:

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This time it’s going to be an old phone. It’s a bit messy so far; let’s see if work allows for polishing. Fixed some textures. The render is still very noisy, I suspect it has to do with the brass so generously applied (Edit: Yes, the normals file was damaged).

Fixed a few things (well, the cable had to be connected; that was already a technical support nightmare at the time). Behold… The Phone :wink:


Looking Good :+1:

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My submission: A Blender animated short featuring a chic, stylized, London red phone booth.

Really liked bringing together modeling, texturing, windy physics simulation, and some light flickering antics in this one :zap:


“Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!”

Nothing complicated, just my phones, what I use every day


I actually still use my 16 year old Sony Ericsson W890i. It’s comfortable, it doesn’t run out of charge every day, and it still holds my favorite games and my childhood. It has helped me out many times and I will continue to use it until the very end.
Photo of my hero

The idea to add my current phone next to it came at the last minute. You can see from the screenshot that I didn’t have time to do everything on time, sorry.

Few WIPs
so many boolean

backside. I really don’t like how the logo looks - it’s much more voluminous on the original

many little details. All of them are madly unoptimized

For more than ten years I didn’t know whose author the beautiful vampire on my phone screensaver was - a friend sent me this theme using Bluetooth. Now I know that this is the Empress card from The Tarot of Vampyres by Ian Daniels - I couldn’t take a screenshot from my old phone, so I had to find the original and do something similar in Photoshop.

Like this. Sorry for the many words, but I’m always like this


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